It sounds like you used a Form as the startup object of your project, which
you hide, to allow having a NotifyIcon in the system tray. Correct?
Matthew MacDonald's book "Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programmer's Cookbook"
has a topic on creating a system tray program.
Basically: Rather than using a Form as the startup object, use a Component
Create a new Component class (use Project - Add Component). Add a NotifyIcon
to the component designer. Also add a ContextMenu object for the
NotifyIcon. When you click the menu, create and show the form. Remember to
put an Exit option on the menu.
Make the Component the startup object, adding a Shared Sub Main to the
Public Class Component1
Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
' Component designer generated code omitted.
Public Shared Sub Main
Dim app as New Component1
End Sub
Private Sub menuOptions_Click(...) Handles menuOptions.Click
' this would be your settings dialog.
Dim dialog as New OptionsDialog
End Sub
Private Sub menuExit_Click(...) Handles menuExit.Click
End Sub
End Sub
The problem is you cannot edit the menu from the Component Designer. What I
do is use cut & paste from a Form Designer onto the Component Designer to
get the menu to the component...
The call to Me.Dispose enables the icon to be removed from the system tray
right away rather then waiting.
Hope this helps