I don't mean to SHOUT!!!! BUT!!!!

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Are there any Naturalized US citizens answering on this forum?
On US Shores thats NOT been Outsourced!
I have listed this question for last 2 hours and no response....SQUEEK,

I can't seem to get this macro to work.
I am trying to display this total in a text box on my form.

Macro Name: CELLTOTL
Condition: TRUE
Action Name: SetValue
Arguments: [CELLTOTL], 57.46

Here is the expression in Macro:(All fields are currency)

I have even tried:

I still get the same error on each field data entered although the data
posts to the form ok.
Any help I can get is appreacated

You wantee anseree?? OKee Dokee Joe!

Set the 'ControlSource' property of your text box control
to your expression prefaced with an equal sign.


Set the Format property of the control to 'Currency'.
Good luck.

Your comments are offensive.

I was attempting to reproduce your problem as outlined in your earlier post
and believe I may have an answer for you, but, out of respect for the many
international MVPs and other frequent responders, I am not going to post it.

U.S.born - U.S. raised
Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

This forum is run on a volunteer-only basis for
*professionals* of all origins, races, and skill level.
Noone OWES you a response to any question EVER.

I suggest you make your requests clear and succinct, your
thanks genuine, and your attitude appreciative.

Kevin Sprinkel
Why are you dealing with a macro?

Just enter the formula in the text box.


Are there any Naturalized US citizens answering on this forum?
On US Shores thats NOT been Outsourced!
I have listed this question for last 2 hours and no response....SQUEEK,

I can't seem to get this macro to work.
I am trying to display this total in a text box on my form.

Macro Name: CELLTOTL
Condition: TRUE
Action Name: SetValue
Arguments: [CELLTOTL], 57.46

Here is the expression in Macro:(All fields are currency)

I have even tried:

I still get the same error on each field data entered although the data
posts to the form ok.
Any help I can get is appreacated


I saw your question about a half-hour ago, and I decided I would not
respond, as you didn't clearly state what kind of error you were

After reading your introduction to this message, I'm glad I did not.
You seem to think that anyone monitoring this, or any other, newsgroup
owes you an immediate reply. Your message that readers from outside
the United States are incompetent is insulting. Shame on you!! The
incompetency is not theirs, it's yours. You didn't clearly state what
your problem was. Perhaps other readers, like I, didn't want to waste
their newsgroup time by asking for a clarification.

You would be well served to re-think your attitude.
Thanks for your response..But I'm actually angry at You Bleeding Hearts that
think We as Americans owe other nation memebers some sort of apolagy. Wel
GUESS WHAT ..WAKE UP! All the American Jobs are being given to the people
your trying to defend. There is coming a day that your ass may be asking
them for a handout if things keep going as is.
You people MAKE ME SICK with all your sympothy thats misdirected.
So PLEASE .. You Keep your answer Fred I'd rather do without it!

Thanks for nothing
fredg said:
Are there any Naturalized US citizens answering on this forum?
On US Shores thats NOT been Outsourced!
I have listed this question for last 2 hours and no response....SQUEEK,

I can't seem to get this macro to work.
I am trying to display this total in a text box on my form.

Macro Name: CELLTOTL
Condition: TRUE
Action Name: SetValue
Arguments: [CELLTOTL], 57.46

Here is the expression in Macro:(All fields are currency)

I have even tried:

I still get the same error on each field data entered although the data
posts to the form ok.
Any help I can get is appreacated


I saw your question about a half-hour ago, and I decided I would not
respond, as you didn't clearly state what kind of error you were

After reading your introduction to this message, I'm glad I did not.
You seem to think that anyone monitoring this, or any other, newsgroup
owes you an immediate reply. Your message that readers from outside
the United States are incompetent is insulting. Shame on you!! The
incompetency is not theirs, it's yours. You didn't clearly state what
your problem was. Perhaps other readers, like I, didn't want to waste
their newsgroup time by asking for a clarification.

You would be well served to re-think your attitude.

SHOUT all you want. And spew drivel all you want. And ask questions
that don't make sense all you want. But *DON'T MULTI-POST!!*
Nicely put!


Steve Schapel said:

SHOUT all you want. And spew drivel all you want. And ask questions
that don't make sense all you want. But *DON'T MULTI-POST!!*
Make it easy for you Don!

Post an apology to the people who voluntarily spend there presius time
trying to help us with things that would have taken us MUCH longer time to
solve without this great help, if ever!

You owe them that! And it just might help you out a bit geting help here in
the future!

// Niklas