I can't seem to reply to my own topics here

  • Thread starter Thread starter KachiWachi
  • Start date Start date


I get the following message...no matter which of my posts I try to
respond to -

An error was encountered while trying to post, please try again later.


KachiWachi said:
I get the following message...no matter which of my posts I try to
respond to -

An error was encountered while trying to post, please try again later.



Have you tried again later yet?
I get the following message...no matter which of my posts I try to
respond to -

An error was encountered while trying to post, please try again later.


From your posting headers:

| Message-ID: <[email protected]>
| Organization: http://groups.google.com
| X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)

May I respectfully suggest that you use MSOE 6.0 instead of MSIE 6.0? You
will have to set up a "News" account, using: 'msnews.microsoft.com'. Much as
I dislike MSOE, it is superior to MSIE when posting to news groups. News
groups were intended for NNTP, not HTTP.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.
Thank you for your suggestions, but I will only use IE to access this
forum. I do not use OE at all...or any e-mail system on my PC's for
that matter.

Yes...I have posting tried posting again later.

I haven't posted here for a while, and this wasn't the case before.

If HTTP is no longer supported, why is this interface available on
Google Groups?

Thank you for your suggestions, but I will only use IE to access this
forum. I do not use OE at all...or any e-mail system on my PC's for
that matter.

Most unfortunate. NNTP servers were meant to be accessed by NNTP clients.
Yes...I have posting tried posting again later.

I haven't posted here for a while, and this wasn't the case before.

If HTTP is no longer supported, why is this interface available on
Google Groups?

It isn't that HTTP is "no longer supported", rather, NNTP servers *only*
understand NNTP. When you access these groups via Google, or the Microsoft
web site, those sites have to convert HTTP into something like NNTP
commands. If the Google, or MSFT web interface chokes for any reason, then
your posts will never arrive at the NNTP servers. In that case, the fault is
with the web site operators, not the NNTP server operators, so you should
rag on them, not on the maintainers of the NNTP servers.

The Internet is much more than just the World Wide Web.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.
KachiWachi said:
Thank you for your suggestions, but I will only use IE to access this
forum. I do not use OE at all...or any e-mail system on my PC's for
that matter.

Yes...I have posting tried posting again later.

I haven't posted here for a while, and this wasn't the case before.

If HTTP is no longer supported, why is this interface available on
Google Groups?


It's not that it isn't supported; it's that Google is like an interloper,
placing itself between you and the newsgroups, and then relaying what you
say and responses to what you say, back and forth to/from you, like some
third party in a relay. It's a lot less than optimum and as a result leaves
an awful lot to be desired. Google has its uses, but communicating well on
newsgroups isn't one of them it can excel with. If you wish to use usenet
groups like this with any seriousness and reliability, you really need to
get yourself a newsreader or even plain old outlook Express, which you
already have. Then you would get an accurate and up to date display of
exactly what's on the newsgroup without the gossiper in between you and your

If you just "gotta have" that web interface, then look for forums on the
subjects you want instead of usenet posts. They are intended for browser
accesses and do a much better job. Usenet groups are intended for

I have e-mailed Google for assistance.

They obviously have BIG problems that were not present in the past.

When this is resolved, I will pick back up with my other posts.

It seems everything has been fixed.

Thank you for your comments.

Thread closed.

Actually, from where I stand, Google Groups is still broken:

| Oops
| We're sorry, but we are unable to display this page at this time.
| Please try again in a few moments.
| If you continue to get this error, please contact Google Support.

Result of trying to log in to a Google Groups account. Two days running.
Fortunately, I don't have to rely on Google, I just try accessing when
somebody resistant to using proper tools, and insistent on using Google
instead, comes along.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.
Actually..."try again later" ended up posting 15 repeat topics in the
other thread... :-P

Actually..."try again later" ended up posting 15 repeat topics in the
other thread... :-P

I actually know of some people who filter post from Google Groups, just
because of such insanity (on the part of Google).

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.
Unfortunately that is something I have no control over. :-(

I have certainly seen that my posts are "mirrored" all over the place,
and I initially started this account many moons ago because that is
where I found information I needed at the time.

I'm not one for creating millions of accounts just to post a
question...so he is where I'll stay...since I use this so
