George McCann said:
Aloha NOrm, Is is a fairly new Dell computer with
winddows XP Pro installed. WHen I go online and try to
half size the open window I used to click on the top of
the window between the minimize logo and delete logo
(redX). for thelast week this has not downsized the
window to a half size.
Hi George,
The icon that resizes the window toggles between full screen (square) and
something smaller (two squares interlocked). The exact size of the
"something smaller" is whatever the window was the last time you sized it.
You can also toggle this by double clicking on the Title bar. It sounds like
your "smaller" is almost as big as full screen.
Click the icon so you're in smaller mode. Grab the Title bar and slide your
window part way off the screen (down and to the left will work) so the upper
corner is readily accessible. Position your mouse over the corner and drag
the corner down and to the left. Let go, grab the Title bar, and drag your
window back into the middle of the screen. Resize more if necessary. Double
click a few times on the Title bar to toggle full screen and smaller to see
if it's the size you want. Then close the window using File > Close/Exit.
Open again and double click a few times to toggle between full screen and
smaller to make sure your settings have "stuck."
I hope this helps.