I have a large list of photo & video files in a directory. Most have
been edited. I want to list them by date taken, so I can make a DVD in
Windows DVD Maker. In Explorer I've tried many different filters (date,
date taken, date created etc) and none filters by the date the photo was
taken. Every file still has that date, as I can find it in Real Player
file properties (though the file in Windows seems to have only the date
modified). Can I still filter by original date taken?
been edited. I want to list them by date taken, so I can make a DVD in
Windows DVD Maker. In Explorer I've tried many different filters (date,
date taken, date created etc) and none filters by the date the photo was
taken. Every file still has that date, as I can find it in Real Player
file properties (though the file in Windows seems to have only the date
modified). Can I still filter by original date taken?