I cant export database with filtered data

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I have Access 2000 and have run a query to filter out unwanted data for my
printing service to use on a mailing list. So far, I have tried to use
"Make-table Query" and then saved it, but the Make-Table query saves ALL the
data, even the stuff I don't want the printer service to have. So, how do I
open an ACCESS data base, remove the fields that I don't want and save only
the data I do want to a new table, or better yet, to a generic
comma-delimited database for export to another database program?

PLEASE HELP!!! I've spent 5 full days trying to figure this out on my own
and I am going crazy!
Thanks anyone...

To begin with, you do not need to store into a table at all, you can
export just as fine directly from a query. That said: make a query on
your table(s) including only the fields you need, and filter out records
as required. Save the query, and then right-click on it in the database
window, and select Export; the wizard will guide you step-by-step to
export to any of a number of formats, including delimited text files.


thank for you kind reply. I followed your instructions exactly and the same
thing happens...

I first created a table that included my desired data that looked like this:

aaa 1
bbb 2
ccc 1
ddd 2

and saved it as "Table1".

I performed the query and applied a filter to the data. which looked like

aaa 1
ccc 1

Then I saved the query which defaulted to the name "Query1". I then closed
the query window and then right clicked the file "Query1" in the menu and
selected EXPORT and selected the type of file I wanted. In this case, I
asked for the *.txt extension and the program took me through two other menus
which asked if I wanted to save the data as comma delimited which I did. I
saved it as, "test.txt".

All is fine and dandy, but when I opened the file, "test.txt" from the
desktop, I saw that the data were saved in the following manner:

aaa 1
bbb 2
ccc 1
ddd 2

This is not a filtered file. All I want are the names associated with
"CLASS= 1", and exporting a query or using MAKE-TABLE QUERY function give
the same undesired results of the full original file. I'm still baffled and
confused by this entirely user UNfriendly program...of course made by user
UNfreindly Microsoft. AARGH! Can you help me beyond this stage? I am
really stuck.

Phil Mc

I do not share your view of Access being user-unfriendly, what I do
accept is that it has a long learning curve for a beginner (which I
understand you are, from your post). The latter makes me suspect you are
missing something in the process, which I cannot put my finger on from
your reply. If you want, you are welcome to e-mail me your database so I
can have a look.


I figured out the technical problem with Access and yes, the problem is with
Microsoft's non-intuitive software engineering. No mention of it in the
manual, nor in any help file either! I mean really...who else by Microsoft
would think it would be a good idea to make someone go to "START" to turn the
computer off! (BTW, out of sheer frustration, I purchased Filemaker Pro 8,
and was able to make and export a "csv" test file in less than 3
minutes...and I had never used the program before! Now THAT's user friendly.)

For your info on what went wrong with the access export file...

I figured out that in Access you need to SPECIFY manually within the DESIGN
VIEW the CRITERIA for the filtering, such as "<2" or ">1" in order to filter
anything above the value of "1". I made the "mistake" of applying a filter
to the data from the pull-down menus, which only filter the VISIBLE data on
the screen and does nothing to effect the saved or exported data.
Again...the fact that you have to input cryptic function operators in the
design view before saving or exporting the data speakes volumes to the
irrational approach to database and program management. Filemaker on the
other hand, did it just like it was supposed to...I applied a filter to the
data, saved it as a comma-delimited file and POOF! A correctly saved file
was made. Simple and intuitive.

In any case, I do appreciate your assistance. It is a bummer that the real
solution was to use someone else's program...but that's Microsoft proving
itself again...



To begin with, it's positive that you found a solution, even though it's
not one I would consider... why purchase a separate software to do what
Access was built to do? I won't comment on FileMaker's
user-friendliness, as I've never used it, I'll just take your word for it.

On the other hand, what you write here proves that you are a novice user
of Access, with a very poor understanding of it at this stage, trying to
get ahead of yourself... why blame Access for that?

I figured out that in Access you need to SPECIFY manually within the DESIGN
VIEW the CRITERIA for the filtering, such as "<2" or ">1" in order to filter
anything above the value of "1".
You've only just scratched the surface, this is just one way to do it.
In a properly developed app, intended for ignorant users, it all happens
behind the scenes, with the user only seeing criteria boxes / drop-down
lists etc. and command buttons, having no idea what an Access query
design view looks like. How's that for user-friendliness?
I did state rate up front that Access has a long learning curve, but it
seems that those going beyond the surface, never turn back... now,
there's gotta be a reason for that!

I made the "mistake" of applying a filter
to the data from the pull-down menus, which only filter the VISIBLE data on
the screen and does nothing to effect the saved or exported data.
You need to grasp the basics of databases first! Tables store data,
queries do not - they just filter/manipulate.

...the fact that you have to input cryptic function operators in the
design view before saving or exporting the data speakes volumes to the
irrational approach to database and program management.
Again, this is only one way to do it, the least user-friendly, but the
only one you know yet. Forgive me for saying so, but you do not seem
qualified to speak about "approach to database".

Filemaker on the
other hand, did it just like it was supposed to...I applied a filter to the
data, saved it as a comma-delimited file and POOF! A correctly saved file
was made. Simple and intuitive.
It's a free market, so one can choose what suits them best. Yet, that
doesn't mean what I don't like is worthless, when it's being used and
appreciated by thousands of others.
