I won't ask you how you managed to create such a thing,
but here is what you are up against:
You can create a directory tree with one command, such:
md \1\1\1\1\...\1
BUT, you cannot delete such a tree with one command (DOS
that is), because they are all nested directories, and
thus all but the last one on the right, contain something.
Even though RD or RMDIR with the /S option should do it,
and maybe the length does have an impact...
You need to do this:
I havn't tried it, but...
If you can find deltree, copy it into your D: root
directory -- enter deltree \1 -- though it's not intended
for WIN XP, it may do the job, it's an external DOS
command, so you should be able to find it on a Win 98
D:tree 1
and note the nesting count.
Now do this,
d:rd \1\1\1\1\...\1 for the number of times you counted in
the tree command. Press enter.
You should not get any message. If you do, your count was
off by one or so... play around by adding or removing
a "\1" till you press enter and don't get an error. Then
cycle thru the loop.
The Loop:
Now press your up arrow, (which outputs the last command)
backspace 2 (which erases the \1 chars on the right)
and press enter.
repeat till all "\1" directories have been removed.
You can write a program to do this if it's something you
keep having to do, but one time only, the delete,
backspace 2, enter -- loop by hand will do the job.