I can't change colors in certain Excel cells



A colleague created an Excel worksheet. When entering info in certain cells
he has highklighted in yellow, I can't change the clor or if I do, when I
save, the changed cell reverts back to its original yellow

Richard Buttrey

A colleague created an Excel worksheet. When entering info in certain cells
he has highklighted in yellow, I can't change the clor or if I do, when I
save, the changed cell reverts back to its original yellow

It sounds like the cells have a conditional formatting applied? If the
condition is met it will over-ride the normal default setting.


Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

Gord Dibben

Two things I can think of.

1. Format>Conditional Formatting is producing the color.

Select one of the cells and check to see if any CF applied.

2. Event code is changing the color. The event code could be in Thisworkbook
module or in the sheet module.

Right-click on the sheet tab and "View Code" to see if any code there.

Right-click on the Excel Icon at top left of menu bar and "View Code" to check
for code.

Let us know what you find.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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