Ill using my PC 2 years and it will runing Windows Vista Ultimate..All was
fine but PC loose performance in that 2 years.It will slow down that-starting
windows(normal) 5-10 min.!!!shutting down 3 min. I cannot work with that
computer!!!!!!Ill try defrag, nothing. buy Unilblue Speed up my PC 3 and
optimize PC, not work NOW i dont trust any optimization,defragmentation or
speed up tools.But if someone know why cannot optimize this ****** computer,
please tell.
If you need my computer details, here you are:
Processor-AMD Sempron 2800+
RAM:512 MB
Video card:NVdia GE force 6600 GT
Video card RAM:128 MB
HDD:Samsung 80 gb 7200 rpm
"MB"-ABIT nForce 4 NV-8
That all what i can tell,please help olptimize me it
fine but PC loose performance in that 2 years.It will slow down that-starting
windows(normal) 5-10 min.!!!shutting down 3 min. I cannot work with that
computer!!!!!!Ill try defrag, nothing. buy Unilblue Speed up my PC 3 and
optimize PC, not work NOW i dont trust any optimization,defragmentation or
speed up tools.But if someone know why cannot optimize this ****** computer,
please tell.
If you need my computer details, here you are:
Processor-AMD Sempron 2800+
RAM:512 MB
Video card:NVdia GE force 6600 GT
Video card RAM:128 MB
HDD:Samsung 80 gb 7200 rpm
"MB"-ABIT nForce 4 NV-8
That all what i can tell,please help olptimize me it