Hi Chumsley,
Sounds like the CD's Autoplay is faulty or has been disabled.
Click My Computer, and then click on the CD Rom to start it.
If it still doesn't Autoplay, either right click it instead and choose
"AutoPlay" from the menu, or if that fails right click the CDRom,
choose "Explore" and click on the setup program. Good luck!
If you want to repair this, download the Autoplay fix from:
Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.
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My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
| I cannot install any of my games.. and they are all
| original.. what is wrong with my com? I put a disc in,
| and nothing came up. None of the install screen came up.
| Last time before i reformat my com, i can download all
| these games, but now, i cannot install the game at all.
| Can someone help me? thanks alot..