My laptop is slowwwwww. DSL , aspire 3000 ( yeah, I know), 512 ram
4 gb free. Havent downloaded or installed games . Just for the
internet. What is the problem? I have spyware and all checks out
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You... Dave Gale
At the risk of incurring the wrath of Gordon and Bruce by
posting, may I ask what the total size of your hard disk is? If
it is over 100GB, I think 4GB free might not be enough free
space. I *say this* because my computer became sluggish the
fuller the hard disk got. Once I archived (off-loaded) around
another 15GB of data, my computer perked up again.
I'm not sure if it works this way in WinXP, but in Win2K the
computer uses free disk space for virtual memory.-
It works the same way in Windows XP. The page file resides on the
However if you don't have enough disk space for the page file to
the result is not that the computer gets slower; it's that you can't
start any more programs. How much free disk space you is not normally
a factor in performance.
I'm not sure
how much free disk space it requires for optimal performance. -
As I said, not an issue. What affects performance is what hardware
have and what you have running. -
I just want to thank you for the info, Ken. -
You're welcome. Glad to help.
My computer was
slower when the hard disk was almost full, but come to think of
it, it was programs which were slow to open - browsers, etc., and
they did run more slowly, too.-
It's hard to tell what the problem was from this distance, but I
suspect that there was some other factor that you didn't realize was
affecting the speed.
Dansdad, is this a new problem, or one you've had for a while? How
long? How slow is "slowwwwww"? Can you put some numbers on it,
You say "just for the internet." It is the speed of downloading web
pages you are concerned with? If so, you might want to check with
ISP to see if they can point you in the right direction.
If it's other things besides the internet, what things?--