Victor Banquy
De: "Victor Banquy" <[email protected]>
Objet: I can receive and Forward, but I cant send
Date: vendredi 20 août 2010 15:17
I send this message using the forward procedure to somebody of the group
My problem is likely the same as a lot of people of the microsoft group
But the difference is : in the dialogue box it is written : you have to
update Windows.
I updated Windows a lot of times and the problem is not solved
I see that no body knows the solution, but MicroSoft staff ? What are they
doing ??
Objet: I can receive and Forward, but I cant send
Date: vendredi 20 août 2010 15:17
I send this message using the forward procedure to somebody of the group
My problem is likely the same as a lot of people of the microsoft group
But the difference is : in the dialogue box it is written : you have to
update Windows.
I updated Windows a lot of times and the problem is not solved
I see that no body knows the solution, but MicroSoft staff ? What are they
doing ??