Just in case you don’t know how to make a custom format (this is in EXCEL
2007 but I think earlier versions work the same way):-
1. Click in cell A 11 (for example).
- Home
- Font group, click on the arrow in the lower right hand corner
- Format Cells should launch
- Number tab
- click on Custom in the Category: list (on the left hand side). This will
highlight the word Custom
- the word General should now appear beneath the word Type: on the right
hand side
- delete the word General and replace it with:-
# "oz"
(that is a hash sign / then a space / then an open inverted comma / then oz
/ then close inverted comma)
- click OK
This will save the:-
- setting for you.
2. Now, for example, highlight the range (this can be any range you like):-
F 13 to G 21
3. Then:-
- Home
- Font group, click on the arrow in the lower right hand corner
- Format Cells should launch
- Number tab
- click on Custom in the Category: list (on the left hand side). This will
highlight the word Custom
- now scroll down in the Type: field (on the right hand side) and at the
bottom of the list you should see the:-
# "oz"
- that you have just added.
4. Select it (by clicking it) and then hit OK.
5. Now the range:-
F 13 to G 21
- from number 2. above should have the oz format you require.
6. Test it by entering numbers in the specified range:-
F 13 to G 21
- and you should get oz appearing after the numbers that you have entered.
If my comments have helped please hit Yes.