I have to be honest and say that i am not sure what you mean
by saying :
You do realize that every piece of information needs to be stored in its
own Outlook property?
When you fill in a form at the bank or at an online store or anywhere else,
you are always asked to provide certain pieces of information, your name,
address, etc. The form gives you boxes or lines where you type in the
information. There is one box or line for each piece of information. Each
piece of informaiton has its place and there are no boxes left over.
What you don't see is that this information goes into a database. In the
database, each record has a place for the information typed into a
particular box. The information you typed into the box for your name goes
into the database field for your name. The information you typed into the
box for your address goes into the database field for your address. Names
don't get mixed up with addresses, because there's a clear connection --
even if you don't see it -- between the box where you put the information
and the field where the database stores it. The database has just as many
fields as it needs to store the data from the boxes you typed in.
Outlook forms are the same way. If you want the user to enter a name that
will be stored in the item, you need to provide a box for the user to type
in ***and*** and database field (technically called a property in Outlook)
for the permanent storage of that information.
I'd suggest that you step away from the computer for a few minutes and get
out a pencil and a piece of paper. On the paper, make two columns. In the
left column, list every piece of information that you want the user to enter
on the first page of your form. Skip a line. Now do the same for every other
page until you have a complete list of what information you want to store in
your item.
Now, in the right-hand column, decide which Outlook field will store each
piece of information. You can use your computer to look up the available
fields by referring to the All Fields page of your form. Each piece of
information you want to store must have its own field. In other words, you
can't reuse the same field for two different pieces of information. When you
run out of existing Outlook fields, start making your own fields by clicking
the New button on the All Fields tab on your form.
When you're done, you'll have a complete data map for your form. The next
step is to implement it. Here you have a choice. If you want to try to fix
your form, it may be easiest to just delete any existing text boxes from
your form and drag the correct fields (the ones laid out on the data map
that you must made) from the Field Chooser to the custom form page. For
other types of fields, add the correct kind of control if you don't already
have it on the form, right-click the control and choose Properties, then go
to the Value tab and select the field for that control at the top of that
tab. Click OK when you're done.
Be systematic about this. Make sure that the number of controls on each page
exactly matches the number of fields on your data map, no more, no less.
Check off each field for each page as you drag it from the Field Chooser or
assign it to the right control.
If you do your "homework" and then take your time implementing the data map,
I think you'll have a form that does what you want it to do.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers