All tables are linked with weak entities. However, when i enter data on the
form I can't get it to let me enter more than one partipicant without access
generating a new invoice id. however i need one invoice to many participants.
It wont work and i have no idea what to do at this point. in addition the
workshop will not let me add workshop to invoice. this is a small mdb and i'd
like to email it to anyone who can assist me with the relationships as I
think this is the problem but I don't know what to do. please help me.
I have added this database to a practice website if you can open and look at
my table. I am very new to designing this and the form is just not working.
the link named: FinalDB5 - INVOICE
invoiceNO - autonumber
invoice prices
workshopNO - autonumber
This is the processes that are supposed to happen.
user process access process
enter invoice price autogenerate invoice no.
enter desired workshop select list of particpants add
workshop id to invoice
enter participants store first paticipant id to
invoice, store second part. id...
Thanks, Misty
All tables are linked with weak entities. However, when i enter data on the
form I can't get it to let me enter more than one partipicant without access
generating a new invoice id. however i need one invoice to many participants.
It wont work and i have no idea what to do at this point. in addition the
workshop will not let me add workshop to invoice. this is a small mdb and i'd
like to email it to anyone who can assist me with the relationships as I
think this is the problem but I don't know what to do. please help me.
I have added this database to a practice website if you can open and look at
my table. I am very new to designing this and the form is just not working.
the link named: FinalDB5 - INVOICE
invoiceNO - autonumber
invoice prices
workshopNO - autonumber
This is the processes that are supposed to happen.
user process access process
enter invoice price autogenerate invoice no.
enter desired workshop select list of particpants add
workshop id to invoice
enter participants store first paticipant id to
invoice, store second part. id...
Thanks, Misty