Heaven help you old penguin lovers but I am having another go at Linux, I have just ordered a copy of Zorin OS 9, 64 bit. What do you recommend do I download to a 80 gig partition or download on a separate drive as I have a couple spare one 1500gb and one 1000gb if so how do accomplish this. This I am going to take it slowly Will I be able to copy my music from the Windows Media Player to Zorin about 180 gb without any trouble? Will I need to use a anti virus and if so what is available for Linux. Are there any decent games that are compatible with Zorin.
I think that is enough for the time being, thanks for any advice in advance
If you have spare drives, install one into your machine. Copy your music over to that drive. Remove your Windows 7 drive and put it somewhere safe
Then install another of your spare drives in place of Windows 7 drive and install Linux on that. If anything goes wrong or you don't like that Linux distro you can just stick the Windows 7 drive back in.
Quite a lot of Windows games will play on linux with the aid of play on Linux or Wine though you will have to do some research and your game play may vary as it depends on which distro you use and your hardware.