


Does anyone know how you can enable the insertion of hyperlinks in
protected worksheet?

Thanks in anticipation

Dave Peterson

Can you leave the cell unlocked?

If yes, it might be easiest to just use a worksheet formula:



Hi Dave and thanks for your response.

The sheet is protected and the cell is unlocked, and has other data i
it that refers to a customer name. I want to attach a hyperlink to thi
same field, which I can, if the sheet is unprotected, but that i
liklely to lead to other problems with the sheet if a user deletes
cell elsewhere.

I suppose I need code that enables the insertion of a hyperlink in
protected sheet, similar to the code I found that enables me to filte
in a protected sheet. eg

Sub Worksheet_Activate()
ActiveSheet.EnableAutoFilter = True
ActiveSheet.Protect contents:=True, userInterfaceOnly:=True

End Sub

However, being a novice I have tried every combination I can think o
eg ActiveSheet.EnableHyperlink = True etc and these all fail. Can yo


Dave Peterson

I think having your code unprotect the sheet, and insert the link, then
reprotect it will work ok.

Or you can take advantage of that userinterfaceonly parm:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

With Worksheets("sheet1")
.Protect userinterfaceonly:=True
End With

End Sub

Sub addlink()
Dim myString As String

With ActiveCell
If LCase(.Parent.Name) <> "sheet1" Then
Exit Sub
myString = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter address")
If Trim(myString) = "" Then
Exit Sub
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ActiveCell, _
Address:="http://" & myString, TextToDisplay:=myString
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

But you'll have to add some checks to see if they typed in a good URL.

Dave Peterson

When I was testing that routine (xl2002), the cell didn't get a value when the
worksheet was protected.

Maybe this slight change would workbetter:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

With Worksheets("sheet1")
.Protect userinterfaceonly:=True
End With

End Sub

Sub addlink()
Dim myString As String

With ActiveCell
If LCase(.Parent.Name) <> "sheet1" Then
Exit Sub
myString = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter address")
If Trim(myString) = "" Then
Exit Sub
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ActiveCell, _
Address:="http://" & myString, TextToDisplay:=myString
ActiveCell.Value = myString
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

The activecell.value was added.

Dave Peterson

I was getting some weird results with this. The value got update, the link got
made, but whenever I clicked anywhere else, I got an error message.

If it works for you, ok. But if it doesn't, I'd go back to unprotecting, adding
the link, and then reprotecting.

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