Hyperlinks - XP/MSOffice 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter WGD
  • Start date Start date


Recently all e-mail and web addresses are stored in Word 2007 documents as
hyperlinks. (The link can be removed/reset by right-clicking, etc.)
originally saved with link, NOT a Hyperlink.

What button did I inadvertantly press to make this happen?

BTW, in what cases are these HYPERlinks used? What is their specific


BTW ~ Sorry for the cross-post w/..public.word. No response there.
Maybe the Word or Office group would be better able to answer your question;
this is the Windows XP Basics group.....but giving my 2c worth:

As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same thing; there is
no difference.

One refers to "linking" on the internet, is referring to hyperlinking; this
concept can also be applied to local files e.g. between a word doc and excel
spreadsheet file.
Hi! Posted on Word's group for a while now - no takers!
Just added to Word.General - looking for advice there, too.

The HYPERLinks look like: {HYPER . . . . . da-dee-dah} and the links remove
the word HYPER and the {}. When I right-click on the HYPERlink there is a
choice to "remove HYPERlink" returning to the normally accepted, understood

You said: "As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same thing;
there is
no difference."

I opened a document wherein I had previously inserted a Picture. Upon
reopening the doc, where the picture was/is located, there now is:
{EMBED Word.Picture.8} When I right-click on this "link" I can open the
Picture on another sheet. The only way to see it on the document is via
Print Preview.

I ask, once again, what setting did I inadvertantly set to convert links to

A link is *still* a hyperlink.

And, as you were advised, you would get better help in an office or word

| Andrew:
| You said: "As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same
| there is
| no difference."
| I opened a document wherein I had previously inserted a Picture. Upon
| reopening the doc, where the picture was/is located, there now is:
| {EMBED Word.Picture.8} When I right-click on this "link" I can open
| Picture on another sheet. The only way to see it on the document is via
| Print Preview.
| I ask, once again, what setting did I inadvertantly set to convert links
| hyperlinks?
| Wayne
| | > As I said a link is a hyperlink, they are one and the same thing.
| >
| > | >> Hi! Posted on Word's group for a while now - no takers!
| >> Just added to Word.General - looking for advice there, too.
| >>
| >> The HYPERLinks look like: {HYPER . . . . . da-dee-dah} and the links
| >> remove the word HYPER and the {}. When I right-click on the HYPERlink
| >> there is a choice to "remove HYPERlink" returning to the normally
| >> accepted, understood link.
| >>
| >>
| >> | >>> Maybe the Word or Office group would be better able to answer your
| >>> question; this is the Windows XP Basics group.....but giving my 2c
| >>> worth:
| >>>
| >>> As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same thing;
| >>> is no difference.
| >>>
| >>> One refers to "linking" on the internet, is referring to hyperlinking;
| >>> this concept can also be applied to local files e.g. between a word
| >>> and excel spreadsheet file.
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> | >>>> Recently all e-mail and web addresses are stored in Word 2007
| >>>> as
| >>>> hyperlinks. (The link can be removed/reset by right-clicking, etc.)
| >>>> Documents
| >>>> originally saved with link, NOT a Hyperlink.
| >>>>
| >>>> What button did I inadvertantly press to make this happen?
| >>>>
| >>>> BTW, in what cases are these HYPERlinks used? What is their
| >>>> purpose?
| >>>>
| >>>> Tks!
| >>>> WayneD
| >>>>
| >>>> BTW ~ Sorry for the cross-post w/..public.word. No response there.
| >>>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>
| >>
| >
| >
Your last line: AGREED. However, so far (for a few days now - posted on
9-22) no takers!

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
A link is *still* a hyperlink.

And, as you were advised, you would get better help in an office or word

| Andrew:
| You said: "As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same
| there is
| no difference."
| I opened a document wherein I had previously inserted a Picture. Upon
| reopening the doc, where the picture was/is located, there now is:
| {EMBED Word.Picture.8} When I right-click on this "link" I can open
| Picture on another sheet. The only way to see it on the document is via
| Print Preview.
| I ask, once again, what setting did I inadvertantly set to convert links
| hyperlinks?
| Wayne
| | > As I said a link is a hyperlink, they are one and the same thing.
| >
| > | >> Hi! Posted on Word's group for a while now - no takers!
| >> Just added to Word.General - looking for advice there, too.
| >>
| >> The HYPERLinks look like: {HYPER . . . . . da-dee-dah} and the links
| >> remove the word HYPER and the {}. When I right-click on the
| >> there is a choice to "remove HYPERlink" returning to the normally
| >> accepted, understood link.
| >>
| >>
| >> | >>> Maybe the Word or Office group would be better able to answer your
| >>> question; this is the Windows XP Basics group.....but giving my 2c
| >>> worth:
| >>>
| >>> As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same thing;
| >>> is no difference.
| >>>
| >>> One refers to "linking" on the internet, is referring to
| >>> this concept can also be applied to local files e.g. between a word
| >>> and excel spreadsheet file.
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> | >>>> Recently all e-mail and web addresses are stored in Word 2007
| >>>> as
| >>>> hyperlinks. (The link can be removed/reset by right-clicking,
| >>>> Documents
| >>>> originally saved with link, NOT a Hyperlink.
| >>>>
| >>>> What button did I inadvertantly press to make this happen?
| >>>>
| >>>> BTW, in what cases are these HYPERlinks used? What is their
| >>>> purpose?
| >>>>
| >>>> Tks!
| >>>> WayneD
| >>>>
| >>>> BTW ~ Sorry for the cross-post w/..public.word. No response there.
| >>>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>
| >>
| >
| >
Possibly no takers because:

1) No one has an answer.
2) No one understands what you're asking (I don't)

| Your last line: AGREED. However, so far (for a few days now - posted on
| 9-22) no takers!
| | >A link is *still* a hyperlink.
| > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperlink
| >
| > And, as you were advised, you would get better help in an office or word
| > newsgroup.
| >
| > | > | Andrew:
| > |
| > | You said: "As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same
| > thing;
| > | there is
| > | no difference."
| > |
| > | I opened a document wherein I had previously inserted a Picture. Upon
| > | reopening the doc, where the picture was/is located, there now is:
| > | {EMBED Word.Picture.8} When I right-click on this "link" I can
| > the
| > | Picture on another sheet. The only way to see it on the document is
| > | Print Preview.
| > |
| > | I ask, once again, what setting did I inadvertantly set to convert
| > to
| > | hyperlinks?
| > |
| > | Wayne
| > |
| > |
| > | | > | > As I said a link is a hyperlink, they are one and the same thing.
| > | >
| > | > | > | >> Hi! Posted on Word's group for a while now - no takers!
| > | >> Just added to Word.General - looking for advice there, too.
| > | >>
| > | >> The HYPERLinks look like: {HYPER . . . . . da-dee-dah} and the
| > | >> remove the word HYPER and the {}. When I right-click on the
| > HYPERlink
| > | >> there is a choice to "remove HYPERlink" returning to the normally
| > | >> accepted, understood link.
| > | >>
| > | >>
| > | >> | > | >>> Maybe the Word or Office group would be better able to answer your
| > | >>> question; this is the Windows XP Basics group.....but giving my 2c
| > | >>> worth:
| > | >>>
| > | >>> As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same thing;
| > there
| > | >>> is no difference.
| > | >>>
| > | >>> One refers to "linking" on the internet, is referring to
| > hyperlinking;
| > | >>> this concept can also be applied to local files e.g. between a
| > doc
| > | >>> and excel spreadsheet file.
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>> | > | >>>> Recently all e-mail and web addresses are stored in Word 2007
| > documents
| > | >>>> as
| > | >>>> hyperlinks. (The link can be removed/reset by right-clicking,
| > etc.)
| > | >>>> Documents
| > | >>>> originally saved with link, NOT a Hyperlink.
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> What button did I inadvertantly press to make this happen?
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> BTW, in what cases are these HYPERlinks used? What is their
| > specific
| > | >>>> purpose?
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> Tks!
| > | >>>> WayneD
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> BTW ~ Sorry for the cross-post w/..public.word. No response
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>
| > | >>
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
Read the thread a few times myself.
From what I understand of the descriptions; it appears that in Microsoft
Office, 'links' and 'hyperlinks' are not the same thing.

{EMBED...} is a link to objects that should appear in place of link.

{HYPERLINK...} is a hyperlink to an external resource.

OP may find the following information useful:
Do not understand 'cause so far, apparently, maybe, no one (impossible!) has
experienced the problem.


Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
Possibly no takers because:

1) No one has an answer.
2) No one understands what you're asking (I don't)

| Your last line: AGREED. However, so far (for a few days now - posted
| 9-22) no takers!
| | >A link is *still* a hyperlink.
| > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperlink
| >
| > And, as you were advised, you would get better help in an office or
| > newsgroup.
| >
| > | > | Andrew:
| > |
| > | You said: "As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the
| > thing;
| > | there is
| > | no difference."
| > |
| > | I opened a document wherein I had previously inserted a Picture.
| > | reopening the doc, where the picture was/is located, there now is:
| > | {EMBED Word.Picture.8} When I right-click on this "link" I can
| > the
| > | Picture on another sheet. The only way to see it on the document is
| > | Print Preview.
| > |
| > | I ask, once again, what setting did I inadvertantly set to convert
| > to
| > | hyperlinks?
| > |
| > | Wayne
| > |
| > |
| > | | > | > As I said a link is a hyperlink, they are one and the same thing.
| > | >
| > | > | > | >> Hi! Posted on Word's group for a while now - no takers!
| > | >> Just added to Word.General - looking for advice there, too.
| > | >>
| > | >> The HYPERLinks look like: {HYPER . . . . . da-dee-dah} and the
| > | >> remove the word HYPER and the {}. When I right-click on the
| > HYPERlink
| > | >> there is a choice to "remove HYPERlink" returning to the normally
| > | >> accepted, understood link.
| > | >>
| > | >>
| > | >> | > | >>> Maybe the Word or Office group would be better able to answer
| > | >>> question; this is the Windows XP Basics group.....but giving my
| > | >>> worth:
| > | >>>
| > | >>> As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same thing;
| > there
| > | >>> is no difference.
| > | >>>
| > | >>> One refers to "linking" on the internet, is referring to
| > hyperlinking;
| > | >>> this concept can also be applied to local files e.g. between a
| > doc
| > | >>> and excel spreadsheet file.
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>> | > | >>>> Recently all e-mail and web addresses are stored in Word 2007
| > documents
| > | >>>> as
| > | >>>> hyperlinks. (The link can be removed/reset by right-clicking,
| > etc.)
| > | >>>> Documents
| > | >>>> originally saved with link, NOT a Hyperlink.
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> What button did I inadvertantly press to make this happen?
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> BTW, in what cases are these HYPERlinks used? What is their
| > specific
| > | >>>> purpose?
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> Tks!
| > | >>>> WayneD
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> BTW ~ Sorry for the cross-post w/..public.word. No response
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>
| > | >>
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
Turns out that Alt-F9 toggles between the two (2) differing

WGD said:
Do not understand 'cause so far, apparently, maybe, no one (impossible!)
has experienced the problem.


Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
Possibly no takers because:

1) No one has an answer.
2) No one understands what you're asking (I don't)

| Your last line: AGREED. However, so far (for a few days now - posted
| 9-22) no takers!
| | >A link is *still* a hyperlink.
| > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperlink
| >
| > And, as you were advised, you would get better help in an office or
| > newsgroup.
| >
| > | > | Andrew:
| > |
| > | You said: "As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the
| > thing;
| > | there is
| > | no difference."
| > |
| > | I opened a document wherein I had previously inserted a Picture.
| > | reopening the doc, where the picture was/is located, there now is:
| > | {EMBED Word.Picture.8} When I right-click on this "link" I can
| > the
| > | Picture on another sheet. The only way to see it on the document
| > | Print Preview.
| > |
| > | I ask, once again, what setting did I inadvertantly set to convert
| > to
| > | hyperlinks?
| > |
| > | Wayne
| > |
| > |
| > | | > | > As I said a link is a hyperlink, they are one and the same thing.
| > | >
| > | > | > | >> Hi! Posted on Word's group for a while now - no takers!
| > | >> Just added to Word.General - looking for advice there,
| > | >>
| > | >> The HYPERLinks look like: {HYPER . . . . . da-dee-dah} and the
| > | >> remove the word HYPER and the {}. When I right-click on the
| > HYPERlink
| > | >> there is a choice to "remove HYPERlink" returning to the
| > | >> accepted, understood link.
| > | >>
| > | >>
| > | >> | > | >>> Maybe the Word or Office group would be better able to answer
| > | >>> question; this is the Windows XP Basics group.....but giving my
| > | >>> worth:
| > | >>>
| > | >>> As far as I know, a *hyperlink* and a *link* are the same
| > there
| > | >>> is no difference.
| > | >>>
| > | >>> One refers to "linking" on the internet, is referring to
| > hyperlinking;
| > | >>> this concept can also be applied to local files e.g. between a
| > doc
| > | >>> and excel spreadsheet file.
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>> | > | >>>> Recently all e-mail and web addresses are stored in Word 2007
| > documents
| > | >>>> as
| > | >>>> hyperlinks. (The link can be removed/reset by right-clicking,
| > etc.)
| > | >>>> Documents
| > | >>>> originally saved with link, NOT a Hyperlink.
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> What button did I inadvertantly press to make this happen?
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> BTW, in what cases are these HYPERlinks used? What is their
| > specific
| > | >>>> purpose?
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> Tks!
| > | >>>> WayneD
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>> BTW ~ Sorry for the cross-post w/..public.word. No response
| > | >>>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>>
| > | >>
| > | >>
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >