Hyperlinks to network file locations failing.



Hi all,

I have a document containing hyperlinks to various others on th
network. Some of these links work, others don't.

The ones that don't, I edit, test and they work. I save the doc, the
still work. I close the doc and reopen and the formatting of th
hyperlink is changed to /.../.../data/nameofdoc.doc and they again fai
to open. I have edited the doc in both word 97 and word 2003, on NT4 an
XP and still have the same issue.

I believe it is something to do with saving the document on the wor
2003\XP machine. My save as type is .doc and my compatibilty option i
set to word 2003. Should this be changed to 97, as both 2003 and 9
will be used to open the doc.

EDIT: Further to this I changed that setting above and no change ha
been noted.




Thanks Beth, I will have a read through and see if anything can help.



Beth Melton said:
You may want to take a look at this thread in word.application.errors
and see if it applies:

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/


Thanks Beth, it resolved it!



Beth Melton said:
You may want to take a look at this thread in word.application.errors
and see if it applies:

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

Beth Melton

Good to hear Rob! :)

Would you mind providing some additional details on this? When you say
the hyperlinks are converted to" /.../.../data/nameofdoc.doc" are you
saying the path was truncated in the link? When the "Update links on
save" option is turned off the path isn't truncated?

Any additional information you have would help us out a lot so we can
duplicate the issue you are encountering. :)
Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/


Hi Beth,

It exactly as you assume, the paths were truncated when I reopened the
document to the format of .../.../filename.doc but with the web option turned
off they are fine.

I'm using Office 2003 (no SP) and XP sp1. If you need any more info let me
know and I will try to provide.



Beth Melton

Thanks for the update, Rob. :)

One more question is it possible for you to provide an example of the
path you are using? If you don't want to post it publicly then feel
free to email me directly with this information. Remove "NoSpam4Me" to
obtain a valid email address.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

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