Hyperlinks not showing

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I am not able to see many hyoerlinks in websites and also in various
applications such as movie maker. If I move my mouse to where I think there
is a link it will change to the finger and I am able to go to the link,
however its very annoying waving the mouse randomly over web pages hoping to
discover a link! Can anyone help??
Hi Jon,

Internet Options, General tab, Colors button - check your selections for
text, background, visited and unvisited links. Seems your current settings
are white on white.


It's funny but you spend for ever running a million and one
antivirus-spyware-update-pc parranoid programs and it turns out to be
something simple that I hadn't even considered! Thank you, it works now!

Still have the same problem in Movie Maker, any ideas or shall i post on a
MM newsgroup?