Hyperlinks in FrontPage

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I have Office XP, and am using FrontPage to create a website for my business.
I already had it created in Publisher, and moved everything by copy/paste to
FrontPage to allow for html coding once ready for launch. I have everything
done except for the hyperlinks, which I am having trouble with. I wanted to
insert a hyperlink to the buttons up top, but when I did that, it either
wasn't hidden or moved the words already on the button in my chosen font.
How do I fix this? Note: I am html illiterate so please be kind. :)
Please either give a link to a published page, or paste the HTML for a
faulty link, with a few lines of code before and after it, here.
Where copy/paste from Publisher is involved -anything may be wrong.
....and, to get the best results, FP should be used to design the web, not
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
: Please either give a link to a published page, or paste the HTML for a
: faulty link, with a few lines of code before and after it, here.
: Where copy/paste from Publisher is involved -anything may be wrong.
: --
: Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (Expression)
: Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
: http://www.rxs-enterprises.org/fp
: message : > I have Office XP, and am using FrontPage to create a website for my
: > business.
: > I already had it created in Publisher, and moved everything by
: > to
: > FrontPage to allow for html coding once ready for launch. I have
: > everything
: > done except for the hyperlinks, which I am having trouble with. I
: > to
: > insert a hyperlink to the buttons up top, but when I did that, it either
: > wasn't hidden or moved the words already on the button in my chosen
: > How do I fix this? Note: I am html illiterate so please be kind. :)