If you've got 150,000 files listed in one sheet, I assume you're using Excel
2007 or 2010?
This code will take the entries in column A starting with whatever cell you
define in the code as 'firstName' in the code on to the end of the list (or
1st empty cell) and turn it into a hyperlink.
The code assumes that either the full path to the .pdf file(s) is part of
the entry in column A, or that they're all in a single folder somewhere.
If the full path is in the cell as part of the .pdf name, then use the line
of code that reads Const basePath = "", deleting the one that now reads
Const basePath = "C:\SomeFolder\AnotherFolder\PDFFiles\"
But if you need to add the path, then use that last one, changing the path
as required, and delete the 'Const basePath = "" line from the code.
Make a copy of your workbook, and test the code in the copy!
To put the code into your workbook: Open the workbook, press [Alt]+[F11]
and then choose Insert --> Module and copy the code and paste it into the
module presented to you. Then edit the code as needed to change/set the
values of firstName and basePath to meet your needs. Then close the VB
Editor. Choose the sheet with the files listed and use
Tools-->Macro-->Macros and choose the MakeHyperlinks macro and click the
[Run] button.
Sub MakeHyperlinks()
Dim listOfFiles As Range
Dim anyFile As Range
'set this next value to the
'address with the first .pdf
'filename in it
Const firstName = "A2"
'if you don't have the full path
'to the .pdf files in the cells
'in column A, then use this line
'of code
'changing the path as required
Const basePath = "C:\SomeFolder\AnotherFolder\PDFFiles\"
'but if the paths are already in the cells, then
'use this line of code instead
' remove the ' at the start of it to make it
' an active command, and remove the
' previous definition of basePath
'Const basePath = ""
Set listOfFiles = ActiveSheet. _
Range(firstName & ":" & _
For Each anyFile In listOfFiles
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=anyFile, _
Address:=basePath & anyFile.Value, _
Set listOfFiles = Nothing
End Sub