Hyperlinking and ASP.NEt Session


Nedu N


I am trying to design a Home page for my applicatiion in which i want show
the links for for some itms...
I tried to put the following
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#ffffff" size="2"> Contact
| My Profile | Logout /font>

Here i want to have link for the above options to respective pages, i tried
with anchor <A></A> with HREF attribute, but i don't want to see the
underline for the link., i am not sure of how to do that...would anyone help
me in this regard.

ASP.NET Session variables Questions?

1) How to discard session variables? Are all session variables cleared when
the code FormsAuthentication.SignOut() is executed for Forms authentication
applications (i am sessing this not happening, even after using
Session.Abandon(), Session.Clear())

2) Is session variables persistent across hyperliks (i think it is not,
since each hyperlink will assume diferent session)

3) How to check for user Session expiration to pop up a messgae saying
"Session Expired, goto Login page"


Munsifali Rashid

See inline comments.
I am trying to design a Home page for my applicatiion in which i want show
the links for for some itms...
I tried to put the following
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#ffffff" size="2"> Contact
| My Profile | Logout /font>

Here i want to have link for the above options to respective pages, i tried
with anchor <A></A> with HREF attribute, but i don't want to see the
underline for the link., i am not sure of how to do that...would anyone help
me in this regard.

Use stylesheets for your links.

font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
color: #ffffff;
text-decoration: none;

ASP.NET Session variables Questions?

1) How to discard session variables? Are all session variables cleared when
the code FormsAuthentication.SignOut() is executed for Forms authentication
web applications (i am sessing this not happening, even after using
Session.Abandon(), Session.Clear())

FormsAuthentication.SignOut() will clear the session variables set by the
ASP.NET authentication system. However, if you hit back on your browser,
the page will be pulled from your browser cache, and will display. Hitting
refresh on this page will cause it to re-request the page from the server,
at which point it will realise you are no longer logged in, and will
redirect to the login page, as defined in web.config.

2) Is session variables persistent across hyperliks (i think it is not,
since each hyperlink will assume diferent session)

Session variables are persistent across a users session, across hyperlinks
within the same domain and IIS application.

3) How to check for user Session expiration to pop up a messgae saying
"Session Expired, goto Login page"

You will need to do this using Javascript and timers. Create a timer on
each page load, in which you pass in the session timeout. When the timer
elapses, use the alert command to display a warning message.



Nedu N

Thanks Mun.
I was trying to use Timer object for Session Timeout popup and redirect
already, but it was not not working...
would you give me exaple of how to code time controls to popup a message and
redirect to login page when the session times out..
(using Session.Timeout property to determine the session timout).


Munsifali Rashid

What you need to do, is start a javascript timer on each page load, and then
update the timer every second until the session expires. If the user
navigates to a different page, the clock will reset as they are actively
using the session.

Create a timers javascript file and put the following two functions in it.
This script must be referenced in every page on which you want to show the
popup. I.e. save it as "includes/timers.js" and then each page must
reference it using <script language="JavaScript"

function startClock()
dWatch = 0;
dStarted = new Date();
function updateClock(iTimeOutAlert)
setTimeout("updateClock('" + iTimeOutAlert + "');", 100);
dNow = new Date();
dWatch = dNow.getTime() - dStarted.getTime();
dClock = Math.round(dWatch/1000);
if (dClock == iTimeOutAlert)
alert("Warning!\n\nYour session has expired.\nRedirecting to login
window.location.href = "loginpage.aspx";

Once this is done, you need to modify pages using the alert to call
startClock() and updateClock(). You can do this using the following (in the
Page_Load function):

int intTimeOut = Session.Timeout*100;
string strTimerScript = "startClock();updateClock(" + intTimeOut.ToString()
+ ");"
Page.RegisterStartupScript("timerScript", strTimerScript);

Dim intTimeOut as Integer = Session.Timeout*100
Dim strTimerScript As String = "startClock();updateClock(" &
intTimeOut.ToString() & ");"
Page.RegisterStartupScript("timerScript", strTimerScript)

This code sample is constructed partly from memory, and partly from some
code snippets I had floating around. Haven't used it for a coupla years
now, though it worked perfectly back then, but it was being used on a
classic ASP website, not .NET. That shouldn't be an issue though, as it's
all client-side code. If there's any problems, let me know, and I'll try
and help :)



Nedu N

Thanks Mun...
I tried but i am make it working...i just tried with the script that you
gave me..

I created a js file in my project itself - TimeoutTimer.js
and i referenced this on one of my page's HTML as reference it using <script

and i had following code in my page load
Session.Timeout = 10; //i am ust overriding this...

int intTimeOut = Session.Timeout * 100;

Global.strScript = "startClock();updateClock(" + intTimeOut.ToString() + ");

Page.RegisterStartupScript("timerScript", Global.strScript);

But the output that i am getting is the following displayed on my page as a
string...i think the the javascript was not executed...woudl u please tell
me what is the problem since i am new to scripts..


Munsifali Rashid said:
What you need to do, is start a javascript timer on each page load, and then
update the timer every second until the session expires. If the user
navigates to a different page, the clock will reset as they are actively
using the session.

Create a timers javascript file and put the following two functions in it.
This script must be referenced in every page on which you want to show the
popup. I.e. save it as "includes/timers.js" and then each page must
reference it using <script language="JavaScript"

function startClock()
dWatch = 0;
dStarted = new Date();
function updateClock(iTimeOutAlert)
setTimeout("updateClock('" + iTimeOutAlert + "');", 100);
dNow = new Date();
dWatch = dNow.getTime() - dStarted.getTime();
dClock = Math.round(dWatch/1000);
if (dClock == iTimeOutAlert)
alert("Warning!\n\nYour session has expired.\nRedirecting to login
window.location.href = "loginpage.aspx";

Once this is done, you need to modify pages using the alert to call
startClock() and updateClock(). You can do this using the following (in the
Page_Load function):

int intTimeOut = Session.Timeout*100;
string strTimerScript = "startClock();updateClock(" + intTimeOut.ToString()
+ ");"
Page.RegisterStartupScript("timerScript", strTimerScript);

Dim intTimeOut as Integer = Session.Timeout*100
Dim strTimerScript As String = "startClock();updateClock(" &
intTimeOut.ToString() & ");"
Page.RegisterStartupScript("timerScript", strTimerScript)

This code sample is constructed partly from memory, and partly from some
code snippets I had floating around. Haven't used it for a coupla years
now, though it worked perfectly back then, but it was being used on a
classic ASP website, not .NET. That shouldn't be an issue though, as it's
all client-side code. If there's any problems, let me know, and I'll try
and help :)



Nedu N said:
Thanks Mun.
I was trying to use Timer object for Session Timeout popup and redirect
already, but it was not not working...
would you give me exaple of how to code time controls to popup a message and
redirect to login page when the session times out..
(using Session.Timeout property to determine the session timout).


Munsifali Rashid

There's an error in the code - I forgot to wrap the javascript in <script>

Global.strScript = "startClock();updateClock(" + intTimeOut.ToString() + ");

Should be:

Global.strScript = "<script language='JavaScript'>startClock();updateClock("
+ intTimeOut.ToString() + ");</script>";

Also, the number passed in should be the Session.Timeout in seconds, so
intTimeOut should be:

int intTimeOut = Session.Timeout * 60;

I've just tested this code, and it seems to be working.

Hope this helps,



i am using this script in my application, actually my application has
one main window and other popups, that main window will be open all
the time and user will interact with other popups and if i use this
script in all pages it works fine but main page can be inactive so it
will popup while user is working.....what should i do with main page
and other popup windows?? please help


Alvin Bruney [ASP.NET MVP]

why are windows popping up? these popups don't seem to be based on any
user-event. if that's the case, i suggest you redesign to fire popups on
user interactions. that will eliminate the need to fix the main window. if
that doesn't work you will have to add some additional script code to detect
the status of the main window before firing these popups and that is not a
necessarily easy task

Alvin Bruney
[Shameless Author Plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
available at www.lulu.com/owc

faisalazhar said:
i am using this script in my application, actually my application has
one main window and other popups, that main window will be open all
the time and user will interact with other popups and if i use this
script in all pages it works fine but main page can be inactive so it
will popup while user is working.....what should i do with main page
and other popup windows?? please help


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