Hi dkennedy
Here's how to link from a Word document to an Excel document.
You need to create a hyperlink in your Word document, like the following
examples. Note that you can't type the { } by hand. You
must do ctrl-F9 and type between the brackets.
Go to an absolute address
{ HYPERLINK "C:\\MyDocuments\\MyExcelFile.xls#SheetName!A1" }
Go to a worksheet range name
{ HYPERLINK "C:\\MyDocuments\\MyExcelFile2.xls#'Sheet 1'!RangeName" }
Go to a workbook range name
{ HYPERLINK "C:\\MyDocuments\\MyExcelFile3.xls#RangeName" }
So you can hyperlink to a workbook-wide range name, or to a
sheet-specific range name. But Excel gets confused if you have both in
Excel file, and it chooses seemingly randomly. So, if you use range
names, make sure they're all sheet-specific or all
workbook-wide. Or use an absolute address.
Note that if the sheet name contains spaces (eg 'Sheet 1'), then you
must enclose the sheet name in single quotes.
You can also use the \l (lowercase L) switch to specify the location in
the Excel file to go to, in the form:
{ HYPERLINK "C:\\MyDocuments\\MyExcelFile2.xls" \l "'Sheet 1'!A1" }
Remember that you can't type the {} braces by hand. You must use ctrl-F9
and type between the braces that Word inserts for you. Once you've typed
the field, use F9 to update it, or ctrl-a F9 to update all fields in the
See Word's Help file under Hyperlink Field for more info and more
Hope this helps.
Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia