Hyperlink that opens a specific browser to a URL

  • Thread starter Thread starter Digital Carnage
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Digital Carnage

Hi Folks,
I've created a hyperlink to a specific website that displays information
I can compare with against my database information. The command button
works great but it (ofcourse) launches the system's default browser which is
Mozilla. (Ahck!) Can I program the button to also make it so I can either
launch IE 6 or Netscape Navigator? If so, what might the code look like?
Thanks Rich
You could use the Shell command if the browser will accept the URL on the command line
that calls the browser. IE will, I don't know if Netscape will or not.

Shell """C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"" http://www.microsoft.com"

The reason for the multiple quotes is to pass the quotes in the command line due to spaces
in the path to IE. This isn't a problem with the URL, since it can't use spaces. The
number of quotes, from left to right, are 3, 2, and 1.
Hi Wayne,

Thanks for replying to my inquiry. I'm curious... Where would I put this
shell command within my Access Database? Thanks Rich
In the OnClick event of the button you are using that is currently launching Mozilla. You
would use the OnClick event instead of the hyperlink property.