VB 6: I need to provide a text box that allows a user to enter working hyperlinks without typing the html code. I currently send the text box contents (textbox.text) as an email message...I need the user entered hyperlink to work within the sent email message body.
Well, to make this happen you need work a little harder. First, how are you
sending your email? You should specify that it's HTML in the format tag.
Are you using MAPI?
Secondly, you might have to enclose the email address in the appropriate
HTML tags. I think you can make this auto generated.
Cyril Gupta
You can do anything with a little bit of 'magination.
I have been programming so long, that my brain is now soft-ware. http://www.cyrilgupta.com/blog
I am using the CDO.Message object. I am trying to set the HTMLText property to the textbox.text value. It is not working!
Preferably I would like my users to view the hyperlink as a hyperlink within the textbox. I even tried using the Microsoft Rich TextBox...it does not work either!
I need to work within an existing application written in VB6...