Yes, that is the range I was referring to. And as long as you have a
defined folder for where these files are located, it doesn't matter if the
Original Workbook is in the same file or not, just as long as it's defined.
Let's try something like this ...
1) Hit Alt + F11, to enter the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
2) Hit Ctrl + R, to open the Project Explorer (PE; if not already open)
3) Select your file/project in the PE (filename is bolded) **
4) Select Insert (menu) | Module
5) Copy/paste the code below to the right (blank) pane (aka Code Pane)
6) Hit Alt + Q, to return to Excel
7) Save changes before anything else is done.
This is assuming that your filenames are listed in your sheet like this ...
If not, we'll need to add that.
Code to copy/paste:
Option Explicit
Sub InsertWorkbookHyperlinks()
Dim oWb as workbook
Dim oWs as worksheet
Dim rngLoop as range, cell as range
Dim str_oWbPath as string, str_Path as string
Set oWb = ThisWorkbook '** may change if you decide on Personal.xls
Set oWs = oWb.Sheets("Sheet1") 'Change to sheet with filenames in it
Set rngLoop = oWs.Range("AA2:AA85") 'no need for $ signs, it's always
str_oWbPath = oWb.Path
str_Path = "C:\YourPathHere\" 'Change your path to files, include the
end backslash
For Each cell in rngLoop
cell.Hyperlinks.Delete 'just in case..
cell.Hyperlinks.Add cell, strPath & cell.Value,
TextToDisplay:="Friendly name here"
'if you don't want a Friendly Name, you can omit that part and it
will hyperlink the cell contents
Next cell
Set oWb = Nothing 'general cleanup
Set oWs = Nothing
Set rngLoop = Nothing
Set cell = Nothing
Msgbox "Complete!" 'tells you that it's done
End Sub
Just change those things that are commented above (comments show green in
the VBE).
Note: There are a few ways to call this. Depending on how you want it
called will depend on how we proceed. So how would you like to run this
routine? Do you want a button for it? A custom menu or toolbar for it?
** This line of instruction (3) can change, depending on the above
statement. If you want this accessible to all workbooks, you would need to
put this in your Personal.xls file, which will allow it to be accessible
globally throughout Excel. If it's only [Original] Workbook specific, then
the directions stand as-is.