Responses in-line in Arial 12
Hello Trevor L.,
I considered you my mentor and I'm your good student. If I got this right - both of us will be satisfied and ultimately I can help others or they can follow my threads here.
Interesting to think I am mentoring someone in writing for the web. I am still only 18 months into doing this, but I was a professional programmer in a previous life (with the Australian Bureau of Statistics.) Still, I am happy to do so.
I'm happy you allow me in html language text --- hope you do the same thing. Now I can point to the very spot in question. Example: I'll answer all your questions in your own message text body BUT I used BLUE color texts. And all RED color text are in question or to be check by you -- my mentor. With this agreed method everybody who is following this thread will says TYVM. Please read my answer below . . .
I hope I can do the same thing. I am editing in Wordpad and will insert into OE as HTML and see if that works. (It didn't quite work. I had to reset my replies to Arial 12 in OE).
Hi Trevor L.
The answer is NO! , GT because PRW:
Here's my complete html code, I referred my sound to my actual PC location to test it.
Referring to the local file will work for testing TYVM
The answer (to what was the whole story) was just as good and acceptable to kids if PRW GBU
I have had a look at the code (well, that's how I saw the whole story.)
The function should be: (are all my insertion correct here?)
function playSound(fname)
if (!fname)
// fname="G:\My Project\Final\Worst Funny Story\sound001.wav"
fname = "G:\My Project\Final\Worst Funny Story\sound001.wav"
var x = document.getElementById("sound")
x.innerHTML = (!x.innerHTML ) ? >embed src="' + fname + '" loop=false
autostart=true hidden>' : '' ( I changed > to > and the last is 2 '___' and not " only ) correct?
The last statement should be (all on one line):
x.innerHTML = (!x.innerHTML) ? '<embed src="' + fname + '" loop=false autostart=true hidden>' : ''
The characters after src are double quote(") then single quote(').
The characters after fname + are single quote(') then double quote(").
The characters after : are two single quotes(''), which indicates a null.
I think you got the opening < incorrect and the quotes a bit astray.
The tag in the body should be
<span id="sound"></span> (This line not given before -- I did inserted this new line BUT still no sound heard)
Maybe it is the error in the function causing the sound to not be heard.
<input type="button" value=" Sound Effect " onclick="playSound()"/> (This 2nd line found below)
<font face="Arial" size="4">"Obviously, as hysterical as the situation was, we also were faced with a real problem. We both agreed it would need something hot to free my chilly buttock from the grip of the icy metal! Thinking about what had gotten into this predicament in the first place, both quickly realized that there was only one way to get me free. So, as I looked the other way, my first-time date proceeded to unzip his pants and pee my clean butt off the fender. Oh Boy..." </font>
<input type="button" value="Play Sound Effect Now" onclick="playSound()"/></p>
Does it required 3 times for sound location?
Do you want to play it from 3 buttons? NO,
Otherwise I can't see wshy you would to add the code 3 times. I thought every "____" must be referred to. THNQ Sir, 4 pointing that out.
I am not sure what every "____" means. Is this every Id or what? It is true that you can only use a specific ID once on a page - after all, it is an identifier. But that may not be what you mean. In any case, I think you are right not to worry.
And still no sound effect heard.
The problem is the the function - in the parameter in getElementById PTMM (Please tell me more)
The parameter to getElementByID must be an Id present somwhere it the HTML code said:
Can I use Rich Text here to point emphasis so we can understand well?
If you send a post in HTML rather than plain text I should be able to read it TYVM
Can you also insert background music then when I press the Sound Effect button
the music will stop playing and sound effect come out.
It is possible. Once we get the sound working, we can try this.
The statement that ends in : '' would be altered to : 'background.wav' but
it may not be that straightforward as originally this is null, so we need
First click: Play Sound Effect
Second Click: Play background NO, my background sound is always playing until reader's reach to the Button that ask Play Sound Effect Sound.
Third Click: ??? No need
So there will have to be some extra tests in the code, not just swapping between null and the Sound Effect No need
Unfortunately, the function PlaySound will toggle between sound001.wav and null when the button is clicked. So we will need to make sure that each button click does as below:
No Click: Background
Firts Click: sound001.wav
Second Click; Background
Third and subsequent Clicks: No change ???
Can you also make the button follow scaleable text?
I don't understand "follow scaleable text" You may be able to format the
text on the button - not sure. No need, I double checked it and it did followed or stayed in right position as my text getting bigger or smaller in size --- by using Ctrl+Scroll Wheel scroll toward you.
BTW, hope you uses F3 then input my name to find my thread faster.
I use Outlook Express (OE) newsreader, If I keep up with it every day, then answers to previous threads which I haven't read and deleted will appear under the thread, and it is easy to pick out. Yes, I also use OE but it is more faster if you uses F3 key + rino > hit Enter key. F4 to repeat if I've several posts scattered around. F5 to refresh or get newly posted message. You can also uses your own name (or other names) to follow your (or theirs) answered threads. Please uses F3 and keyboard rather than to uses mouse device and scrolling search --- just try it and you'll loved it. Hey, I loved to help others too and answered several n00b (newbie) that were posted in the past years.
Well, I didn't know that. I will have to paste this reply into my "Tips and Tricks" folder.
But after I have deleted read messages, this action won't retrieve them again.
I really appreciate your kind helps. ---Rino
I trust I answered what I can for now TYVM
GBTM when you get the Sound Effect working and I can look at changing it to the background.
GBTM == Get Back To Me; not on the list of abbreviations. Yes, UKTR and YKWYCD -- If you know of a text message abbreviation that is not included in our list, let us know. You'll be famous and I always remember you. LOL
Well, I like IGBTY (I'll get back to you), which is where I adapted GBTM (from I suppose it should be PGBTM (Please get back to me)
Trevor L.
My new replay:
I did changed and corrected everything and followed your latest advice as I mentioned above --- still no sound heard. I also encountered 2 error messages: #1, when I clicked for Preview mode; its says: Line 16, Char 74, Error=Undermined string constant, Code=0; and #2, when I hit the Button to play sound, Line 76, Char=1, Error=Object expected, Code=0.
I think making the changes above might help a bit. Of course. I should take the copyof the entire code and try it in my browser (IE6). That way I will know whether it works
Regards & TYVM,
P.S.// BTW, have you set your Text Characters Wrapping at the highest 132 in Plain Text sending? I'm only receiving shorter text characters sentences and not occupying the whole length --- horizontally ;o)
I'll look into that.
Meantime, I'll try to send this in HTML.I have set News Sending Format to HTML in the OE options, so here's hoping it works!
Our next reply will be much shorter ;o)
Well, that was all good fun
HTHFY (Hope to hear from you)