I have created a API: Call the standard Windows File Open/Save dialog and the
Function was working for a wild and now does not work. The function open the
dialog,, it select the file, and located the path of the dfile in the
appropiate field, but when i click to the link it does not open. I looked at
the edit hyperlink and it does not have the address link. I have looked at
all the pricedures and everything as i see it is ok. What this could be HElp
Function was working for a wild and now does not work. The function open the
dialog,, it select the file, and located the path of the dfile in the
appropiate field, but when i click to the link it does not open. I looked at
the edit hyperlink and it does not have the address link. I have looked at
all the pricedures and everything as i see it is ok. What this could be HElp