Normally my Word 2002 documents that contain hyperlinks
displayed them as a hyperlink now they are displaying them
like this: { Hyperlink \1 "_A" }. I think I must have
changed a setting but I have had no success in figuring
out how to correct this. I can right click on them and
choose "select hyperlink" and they will then display
correctly but even if I save the document they all revert
to full path as above. Any help would be appreciated.
displayed them as a hyperlink now they are displaying them
like this: { Hyperlink \1 "_A" }. I think I must have
changed a setting but I have had no success in figuring
out how to correct this. I can right click on them and
choose "select hyperlink" and they will then display
correctly but even if I save the document they all revert
to full path as above. Any help would be appreciated.