Well, I've looked around and have seen a couple similar things but not
quite the same.
I have Office 2003 and I'm using C# to convert all the slides of a
PowerPoint presentation into GIFs and generate custom html files for
displaying on the web. So far I've gotten everything working great but
I'd also like to generate image maps of the hyperlinks to the pages
I can get the hyperlinks like this:
Slide slide = ppt.Slides[curSlide];
for(int i=1; i<=slide.Hyperlinks.Count; i++)
But I can't figure out which shape the hyperlink goes with. Every time
I find a hyperlink using the above code I always get nulls using the
code below:
for(int i=1; i<=slide.Shapes.Count; i++)
Shape shape = slide.Shapes;
ActionSetting action;
action = shape.ActionSettings[PpMouseActivation.ppMouseClick];
Does anyone know why?
quite the same.
I have Office 2003 and I'm using C# to convert all the slides of a
PowerPoint presentation into GIFs and generate custom html files for
displaying on the web. So far I've gotten everything working great but
I'd also like to generate image maps of the hyperlinks to the pages
I can get the hyperlinks like this:
Slide slide = ppt.Slides[curSlide];
for(int i=1; i<=slide.Hyperlinks.Count; i++)
But I can't figure out which shape the hyperlink goes with. Every time
I find a hyperlink using the above code I always get nulls using the
code below:
for(int i=1; i<=slide.Shapes.Count; i++)
Shape shape = slide.Shapes;
ActionSetting action;
action = shape.ActionSettings[PpMouseActivation.ppMouseClick];
Does anyone know why?