Flemming Dahl
I'd like to create af Hyperlink that jumps to a specific cell - there can be
inserted rows above this cell and columns left of this cell
I have with no luck tryed to determin this cell by inserting af formula for
the hyperlink reference like this.
Cell("Address",Offset(A1;8,0,1,1)) (might be english errors there - using a
danish version) but the hyperlink function will not allow this.
Can it be done and how ?
I'd like to create af Hyperlink that jumps to a specific cell - there can be
inserted rows above this cell and columns left of this cell
I have with no luck tryed to determin this cell by inserting af formula for
the hyperlink reference like this.
Cell("Address",Offset(A1;8,0,1,1)) (might be english errors there - using a
danish version) but the hyperlink function will not allow this.
Can it be done and how ?