Laurel Conrad
As Hurricane Rita enters the Gulf, we in Houston are preparing our homes and
our offices for a disaster. Needless to say, all of our computers have to
be water-proofed and put in a safe place. We're running backups fast and
furiously on all network and local drives in the main office as well as our
remote offices.
What I'm writing about is this:
I had seen a commercial on TV for some GIANT Ziploc bags and tonight I
bought 7 packages of them for the office and will buy more tomorrow. By
this time tomorrow, all of our computers will be in Ziploc Bags! They're
PERFECT! I don't know why I think this is so cool, but I do!
Now, if I could just find one big enough for a 32"
our offices for a disaster. Needless to say, all of our computers have to
be water-proofed and put in a safe place. We're running backups fast and
furiously on all network and local drives in the main office as well as our
remote offices.
What I'm writing about is this:
I had seen a commercial on TV for some GIANT Ziploc bags and tonight I
bought 7 packages of them for the office and will buy more tomorrow. By
this time tomorrow, all of our computers will be in Ziploc Bags! They're
PERFECT! I don't know why I think this is so cool, but I do!
Now, if I could just find one big enough for a 32"