Mike -- I'm fresh out of foil, but am making my move
toward the plastic wrap; death by suffocation is surely
favorable compared to Huntbar...<grin>
doxdesk is an excellent resource; everything listed I had
done previously. Their one/last suggestion:
"You can also open the registry (Start->Run->regedit),
find the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER and delete the
subkey 'MSIETS' (TS, Side variants), 'MSIEIN' (MSIn
variant), 'BTIEIN' (BTIn variant), 'BTLINK' (BTLink
variant) or 'Search Toolbar' (SToolbar variant)."
That's where it just won't work! Grrr! The only subkey I
have is the btiein one. Everything else is gone. I've
never had trouble deleting something like this ever. Any
other suggestions?
Thanks for the quick response earlier!
-----Original Message-----
"Have stood on my head, turned my ball cap backward, all
to no avail"
Ah ... but did you try a tinfoil cap? <g>
Run either\both in Safe Mode .......
[or - manual method]
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans,
with a HOSTS file
http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm [updated 11- 08-
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is
Anyone know of a way to delete this folder or reg key?
Adaware and Spybot both find it in
hkey_local_machine\software\BTIEN but unable to remove
states it's in use or in memory. Tried manually removing
it at the DOS prompt; get an error there. Tried
won't do it. Have stood on my head, turned my ball cap
backward, all to no avail.
Any suggestions? Thanks,