Hung Up With 3rd Argument of IF

  • Thread starter Thread starter GBL
  • Start date Start date


Hi Guys (and Gals):
My problem lies within the 3rd argument of the IF function. As you
know, this is the False portion of the statement.
I've set aside 12 cells for each month into which I've put an IF
statement: IF(Month(Now())=A1,B1,"") where the A1, A2, A3... equals the
numbered months of the year and the B1, B2, B3... are the target values.

The problem is with the third argument (""). This wipes out the value
of each preceding month when the month changes. This is not what I want.
I'd like to retain these monthly values. Altering the "" (3rd argument) to
referencing the "home-cell" creates a circular reference condition that I
can't correct due to my inexperience.

Been getting a three day headache over this. Is there another attack
(function or formula) I can use that will retain the cell values across the
board when the preceding conditions are False?? In other words, have I
chosen the correct function?... or can it be modified to get what I want?

Thanks in Advance!!
If your intent is to force the data into the correct column, you could enter the data directly in the monthly column, and use a custom Data Validation of =MONTH(NOW())=B$1 (assumes B1 is the number of the month) to prevent data being entered into the wrong month. This will also cause the data in the previous months to be locked.

Good Luck,
Mark Graesser
(e-mail address removed)

----- GBL wrote: -----

Hi Guys (and Gals):
My problem lies within the 3rd argument of the IF function. As you
know, this is the False portion of the statement.
I've set aside 12 cells for each month into which I've put an IF
statement: IF(Month(Now())=A1,B1,"") where the A1, A2, A3... equals the
numbered months of the year and the B1, B2, B3... are the target values.

The problem is with the third argument (""). This wipes out the value
of each preceding month when the month changes. This is not what I want.
I'd like to retain these monthly values. Altering the "" (3rd argument) to
referencing the "home-cell" creates a circular reference condition that I
can't correct due to my inexperience.

Been getting a three day headache over this. Is there another attack
(function or formula) I can use that will retain the cell values across the
board when the preceding conditions are False?? In other words, have I
chosen the correct function?... or can it be modified to get what I want?

Thanks in Advance!!
Hi Mark:
No. I'm shooting for a existent reference into each the cell
automatically when the month criteria is met. Entering the data directly
(manually) defeats my purpose; but thanks for your suggestion.

Mark Graesser said:
If your intent is to force the data into the correct column, you could
enter the data directly in the monthly column, and use a custom Data
Validation of =MONTH(NOW())=B$1 (assumes B1 is the number of the month) to
prevent data being entered into the wrong month. This will also cause the
data in the previous months to be locked.
Could you describe the table where the IF statment is used?


----- GBL wrote: -----

Hi Mark:
No. I'm shooting for a existent reference into each the cell
automatically when the month criteria is met. Entering the data directly
(manually) defeats my purpose; but thanks for your suggestion.

Mark Graesser said:
If your intent is to force the data into the correct column, you could
enter the data directly in the monthly column, and use a custom Data
Validation of =MONTH(NOW())=B$1 (assumes B1 is the number of the month) to
prevent data being entered into the wrong month. This will also cause the
data in the previous months to be locked.
Mark Graesser
(e-mail address removed)
My problem lies within the 3rd argument of the IF function. As you
know, this is the False portion of the statement.
I've set aside 12 cells for each month into which I've put an IF
statement: IF(Month(Now())=A1,B1,"") where the A1, A2, A3... equals the
numbered months of the year and the B1, B2, B3... are the target values. value
of each preceding month when the month changes. This is not what I want.
I'd like to retain these monthly values. Altering the "" (3rd argument) to
referencing the "home-cell" creates a circular reference condition that I
can't correct due to my inexperience. attack
(function or formula) I can use that will retain the cell values across the
board when the preceding conditions are False?? In other words, have I
chosen the correct function?... or can it be modified to get what I want?
The second argument (the True section) of the IF function is not
actually referencing a "table"; but only one cell-reference in another
workbook that is calculated at the end-of-month by summing amounts according
to date (month) criteria. (I didn't want to complicate my original
description of the problem by stating all the complexities). As I see it,
the problem is still the 3rd argument of the IF function canceling the
values. Is there another way to keep the preceding monthly values in my
second workbook? Could it be that I'm barking up the wrong tree with the IF

Best Regards,

Mark Graesser said:
Could you describe the table where the IF statment is used?


----- GBL wrote: -----

Hi Mark:
No. I'm shooting for a existent reference into each the cell
automatically when the month criteria is met. Entering the data directly
(manually) defeats my purpose; but thanks for your suggestion.

enter the data directly in the monthly column, and use a custom Data
Validation of =MONTH(NOW())=B$1 (assumes B1 is the number of the month) to
prevent data being entered into the wrong month. This will also cause the
data in the previous months to be locked. function. As
you equals target out the
value what I
want. condition
that I another values
across the words, have
I what I
If I understand what you are asking then simply:
wil keep the value in later months


Many, many thanks for your help. The change of "=" to ">=" did the trick!!
Goes to show ya; details count!!