Humour: Bongo News


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
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After Wilma, Hurricane Fred Flintstone Will Turn Planet into Barney Rubble

PLANET EARTH — Still reeling from the Tsunami, the Pakistani Earthquake and Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma, the planet braced for “the big one.”

According to aged wind prognosticator, Max ("Keep on Truckin'"} Mayfield, "Hurricane Fred Flintstone should fittingly turn the Planet into Barney Rubble."

According to Spike Lee, Michael Moore and several lunatics in padded rooms near Pittsburgh, "It's been utter chaos since George Bush started exploding nukes in the Indian Ocean and under Islamabad, and Jeb Bush started operating giant windmills over St. Bernard's Parish, Galveston and the Yucatan Peninsula."

The next global tragedy will send people into a kind of vast Town of Bedrock, with cavemen peddling vehicles with squared stone wheels and dragging Betty Rubble look alikes around by their hair.

George Bush himself will wax eloquent over his likely ongoing hold on national politics. He will appear throughout the Wold repeating,"Yabadaba-Doo," particularly in American and Iraqi voting booths, where he will lead cannibalizing rituals featuring Valerie Plame on Rye.

Van Gross, MD

Quadophile said:
PLANET EARTH — Still reeling from the Tsunami, the Pakistani Earthquake and Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma, the planet braced for “the big one.”
As some of you my know I live in Southern Florida, and we got hit with Wilma a Cat 3 Hurricane. The storm struck at 5:00 am Monday, everything went out, power annd water. Luckily the storm shutters did remain on the home though we almost lost 3 panels on one window. Needless to say the neighborhood was a mess. Down trees, power lines, signs and some destryoed homes. The storm eneded at about 1:00Pm for me. And like any good trooper I got in my car and headed to work. My job was the only building in 10 square miles that was operating. We were running on 6 rotating petroleum generators. Though only a handful of us showed up on Monday, we were the cream of the crop. Our facility also has been acting as a shelter for those employees who cannot yet return home. I myself was out of power in my home until Thursday 3pm. I have actually been camping out in my car over night at my job because the craze for gas is tremendous, I have witnessed folks pushing thier huge suvs to wait in the 2 hour lines for gas. I will be returning home tonight though, and will power on my own pc for the first time this week. And on another note, I was actually using my pc's battery backup(which I unplugged before the storm and put it in my cars trunk) to charge my cell phone over night as it was my only means of communication and time. But just wanted to let you all know that though it may have been hard its nice to see that we are all still going strong, almost out entire staff showed up by wednsday and just over 100% today as we all work split shifts and people need to make up lost revenue. For the famlies stuck in our training room/shelter they are doing ok, we have had power/water and food since sunday(company made large donations to local supermarkets so that they may obtain generators in return they supplied food) . And the kids have been enjoying no school and endless video games. I even joined in with them for a few hour before retiring to my car. As a treat for today I did drop off some of those "archives" I made as there were a lot of anime fans. They seem to have really appreciated it. So last but not least... We are ok, as far as I know none of our employees have experienced any deaths or injuries, though a few lost their homes. But we are doing ok, and we will all definately be ready for the next one.

and Quad thanks... it was good to have a laugh.... :)
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Raje, i sit here in the slightly damp weather we have just had and i think how lucky we are....and how unlucky some can be.

Now, i aint too good at putting things into words, but i'll give it a go,

We dont get weather like that and am kinda glad we dont. But all credit to you an your fellow countrymen...

Raje said:
Needless to say the neighborhood was a mess. Down trees, power lines, signs and some destryoed homes.... Our facility also has been acting as a shelter for those employees who cannot yet return home.

A true sign of humanity, I cant imagine how that must feel, I just take for granted that when i come home from work things will be just the same as when i left it, and that i will not have to worry about a hurricane or some other extreme weather.

I know that i cant possible put into words what it must be like there, but i give you guys all the credit that is deserved.
Hi Raje

I was down in the Caribbean watching all the CNN coverage thru' the night. All I can say is "rather you than me mate".

The way the reporting crews were getting hammered was beyond belief. It did seem a bit ironic that the first vehicle damage reported by one of the team was a tree falling on the truck of one of the film crew. Poor guy:(

Hope life is getting back to normal for you all:)
Raje said:

None of us really know just how strong we are untill we find ourselves in the sh*t. Good one Raje. You earned it!