Humble Indie Bundle #4!


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score

Ladies and gentlemen... Please welcome at this time, The Humble Indie Bundle #4!
Pay what you want, help charity, and get some awesome indie games.
This is the complete list of what you get if you buy this bundle:

- Jamestown
- Bit.trip Runner
- Super Meat Boy
- Shank
- Nightsky HD

And... As always, if you pay more than the average price of the bundle (now at 5.36$), you will get also:

- Cave Story+
- Gratuitous Space Battles

Official site,

Humble Bundle 4 has made as much money in a day as Humble Bundle 3 did in a week. The total payments sum is shown live on the Humble Indie Bundle 4 front page (currently $1,261,341 and counting). The folks behind the bundle tell us that it took the last sale seven days to reach similar figures, adding that Humble Bundle customers have donated more than $3 million to charity in total so far.

Thanks! I loved the last one of these bundles, so I'm grabbing this one now :D
That's not a bad idea! I like how you can decide how the contribution is split - whether it goes to the developers, charity, or the organisers (Humble) - I see that you can select all to charity if you want.

Thanks for sharing :)
I like the fact that they have raised 3 million for charity and given the independent developers a bite to eat.
Only game I fancied was Cave Story meself. :)