A few days ago, my PC gave me a shutting down prompt and it turns itself
Now, as long as the PC is plugged into the wall, my PC will boot up by
itself, starts up for 3 seconds and then shuts itself off. I was unable
to start the PC back up manually.
Then after 15 seconds, and it starts booting up by itself for a few
seconds and shuts off again. This keeps happening as long as it's
plugged in. I unplugged it for a few hours, but as soon as I plugged it
back in, it started booting up by itself again and shutting back down
I replaced the power supply today, but nothing has changed. It is still
giving me the same symptoms.
Can anyone help me?
Now, as long as the PC is plugged into the wall, my PC will boot up by
itself, starts up for 3 seconds and then shuts itself off. I was unable
to start the PC back up manually.
Then after 15 seconds, and it starts booting up by itself for a few
seconds and shuts off again. This keeps happening as long as it's
plugged in. I unplugged it for a few hours, but as soon as I plugged it
back in, it started booting up by itself again and shutting back down
I replaced the power supply today, but nothing has changed. It is still
giving me the same symptoms.
Can anyone help me?