Martijn Stam
I use MMC8.8 and tried to record from TV in MPEG4 mode.
Worked fine, except that the PAL video size is wrong. 5:4 in stead of 4:3,
so it's too small.
If you set the size to e.g. NTSC 640x480, leave the resolution and set the
TV standard to PAL, the right res. of 640x480 is displayed, BUT if you close
the TV and start it again, it shall crash with the following messages:
Faulting application atimmc.exe, version, faulting module
atidvcr.dll, version, fault address 0x0006d284.
Faulting application atimmc.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll,
version 5.1.2600.1217, fault address 0x00007d85.
In stead of reinstalling the TV, I changed 'Schedule Use Current' from 1 (my
custom MPEG4 settings) to 0 (standard DVD settings) in
Technologies\Multimedia\Features\TV\Video Capture] using regedit and fixed
to resolution in MMC.
Also the channel management of the TV is bad. Channels only can be
deactivated, not removed, I've to set the country to Norfolk Island if I
don't want to only see snow (which can be nice around xmas), but I live in
the Netherlands. So I added the channels manually and manage and backup them
trough [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-507921405-1844237615-839522115-1003\Software\ATI
Technologies\Multimedia\LCS] and
These are only a few bugs I mentioned, I discovered lots more. If a 'not M$
programmer' (me) can discover these bugs that easy, why can't a development
team of Ati write some descent software?
I'm curious what this topic will tell us (in Dutch):
http://www.tweakers.net/meuktracker/5265 over 50 mill views/month
Martijn Stam
The Netherlands
I use MMC8.8 and tried to record from TV in MPEG4 mode.
Worked fine, except that the PAL video size is wrong. 5:4 in stead of 4:3,
so it's too small.
If you set the size to e.g. NTSC 640x480, leave the resolution and set the
TV standard to PAL, the right res. of 640x480 is displayed, BUT if you close
the TV and start it again, it shall crash with the following messages:
Faulting application atimmc.exe, version, faulting module
atidvcr.dll, version, fault address 0x0006d284.
Faulting application atimmc.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll,
version 5.1.2600.1217, fault address 0x00007d85.
In stead of reinstalling the TV, I changed 'Schedule Use Current' from 1 (my
custom MPEG4 settings) to 0 (standard DVD settings) in
Technologies\Multimedia\Features\TV\Video Capture] using regedit and fixed
to resolution in MMC.
Also the channel management of the TV is bad. Channels only can be
deactivated, not removed, I've to set the country to Norfolk Island if I
don't want to only see snow (which can be nice around xmas), but I live in
the Netherlands. So I added the channels manually and manage and backup them
trough [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-507921405-1844237615-839522115-1003\Software\ATI
Technologies\Multimedia\LCS] and
These are only a few bugs I mentioned, I discovered lots more. If a 'not M$
programmer' (me) can discover these bugs that easy, why can't a development
team of Ati write some descent software?
I'm curious what this topic will tell us (in Dutch):
http://www.tweakers.net/meuktracker/5265 over 50 mill views/month

Martijn Stam
The Netherlands