httpHandler for asp



I am looking to write an httpHandler to process incoming asp requests. I
need to process the asp script with the asp.dll and then format the response
(I need to rewrite url and image paths based on the current virtual
directory). Is this possible? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Rick Strahl [MVP]

Hi Phil,

Not with classic ASP. You can do this with ASP.NET.

For classic ASP you'd have to use an ISAPI filter to do this most likely.

Maybe there's a way you can do what you need from within the ASP code and
some client side scripting?
Hard to tell by the limited description you give here...

+++ Rick ---


I figured that it would not work... The basic idea behind what I am trying
to do is the following: Staging and production web servers have separate web
sites for each web application, however, development is a little different.
Each developer has a web site on development and uses a separate virtual
directory for each web application. The problem that I need to resolve
occurs when their is a image or link whose path is pointing to the root of
the application. This works fine on staging and production, but on
development it points to the root web site instead of the virtual directory.
As a result the image and link url's are incorrect. I do not want to have to
go through and change the code so what I want to do is reformat the response.
I currently do it using the MSXML object, but it is a little slow because it
is making two requests to every page. Maybe javascript onload is the answer?
Do you have any ideas? Thanks again for your response.

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