alright...i think he's learned a nifty recovery tool on google. i usually
don't just blurt out code but i happen to have it just sitting around at
merry christmas.
' these are particluar to my app...not to making soap requests in general.
Private Const shopCode As String = "XYZ"
Private Const appId As String = "SOME_GENERATED_PUBLIC_KEY"
Private Const syncServer As String = ""
' wow...i thought people just used asp in the real world!
' this is as basic as it gets
' the method is getData(shopcode, appid)
' this is how you'd wrap up the request in soap
Function sendWebRequest() As String
Dim webRequest As HttpWebRequest =
CType(webRequest.Create(syncServer), HttpWebRequest)
Dim webResponse As HttpWebResponse
Dim soapEnvelope As String
RaiseEvent CurrentProgress("Creating remote data request", 5)
soapEnvelope &= "<SOAP:Envelope>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= " <SOAP:Body>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= " <getData>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= " <parameters>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= " <shopcode xsi:type=""xsd:string"">" &
shopCode & "</shopcode>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= " <appid xsi:type=""xsd:string"">" & appId
& "</appid>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= " </parameters>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= " </getData>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= " </SOAP:Body>" & vbCrLf
soapEnvelope &= "</SOAP:Envelope>" & vbCrLf
With webRequest
.ContentType = "text/xml"
.Headers.Add("SOAPMethodName", "getData")
.ContentLength = soapEnvelope.Length
.Method = "POST"
.Timeout = 60 * 1000 ' milliseconds to seconds
Dim streamWriter As New StreamWriter(.GetRequestStream())
webResponse = CType(.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
End With
Dim stream As Stream = webResponse.GetResponseStream
Dim streamReader As New StreamReader(stream)
Dim xmlStream As String = streamReader.ReadToEnd
Return xmlStream
End Function