This is going to be complicated to explain for me. So please hold tight.
You know how, if you bookmark a site, the site appears in your favorites
list, or bookmarked pages, and beside it is either a blank page or an ICON.
for example: www.anywho.com
Bookmark that page, and an AT&T Globe shows up, along with whatever
description you put in. How do I do that using FrontPage, or isn't it with
frontpage? I don't know how to do it, or Don't I do it, someone else has to??
Where can I find Information on this?
You know how, if you bookmark a site, the site appears in your favorites
list, or bookmarked pages, and beside it is either a blank page or an ICON.
for example: www.anywho.com
Bookmark that page, and an AT&T Globe shows up, along with whatever
description you put in. How do I do that using FrontPage, or isn't it with
frontpage? I don't know how to do it, or Don't I do it, someone else has to??
Where can I find Information on this?