HTTP class using same TCPIP session

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen Meyer
  • Start date Start date

Stephen Meyer

Having a problem where seperate classes using seperated
instances of the HTTP class send the request over the
same TCPIP session. WHen this occurs, seems that IIS
accept the new request, but when the second request goes
to respond, the IIS server at the TCPIP layer issues
Resets. The problem i have a trace of shows that there
was 5 seconds between the two threads timing of using the
HTTP class. Is this a known bug, does anyone have a work
Hello Stephen,

Thanks for your post. I reviewed your descriptions carefully, however, I am
afraid that I am quite understand your scenario. I think more information
is needed before moving forward:

Do you use .NET classes HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse to access web
pages? How do you use separated instances of the HTTP class send the
request over the same TCPIP session? Based on my experience, each HTTP
client will have its own socket connection to the IIS server and it does
not affect other HTTP client. For example, we are able to open several IE
windows to access the web pages.

According to HTTP specification
(, "Clients that
use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of simultaneous
connections that they maintain to a given server. A single-user client
SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy.". You
can specifies the maximum number of connections to an Internet host by
setting <connectionManagement> element in Machine.config file. Please refer
to the following MSDN article:

<connectionManagement> Element

I look forward to your response.

Have a nice day!


Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Yes i am using the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse
classes. The problem is, I don't understand how two
different threads, using thier own instances of these
classes, can on the wire (as seen in a netmon trace) use
the same session. However, i have a trace that proves
it. I beleive it might be a bug at how they implemented
Hi Stephen,

Thanks for your feedback. Could you please post a sample project and tell
me the detailed steps to reproduce the problem that HTTP classes in
different threads affect one another?

I am standing by for your response.

Have a nice day!


Microsoft Online Partner Support

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