http blocked!

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Hi, Guys,

I can only surf WWW for a very short time (about 5 mins) after rebooting.
and then HTTP will be blocked. However, other TCP services, such as FTP,
newsgroup, POP3/STMP, remote desktop, netbois file sharing, will work all
the time.

It looks like my machine is fine on "safe mode with networking". so I closed
almost all services and applications, such as sygate firewall and Virus
Scan, for troubleshooting. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

The only thing I can recall is my "AT&T network client" (VPN) crashed a
couple of days ago, and I didn't uninstall the whole package successfully.
So I just uninstalled the AT&T VPN drivers in "Network Connections" and the
VPN services manually, then deleted ATT VPN installation folder. did this
cause the problem?

Or I'm suffering the Virus or Torjan? Please help me!


Sounds like you are aware enough not to get spyware but here are some
packages I have found reliable and as harmless as possible... you can try

However if this started after the AT&T trouble then that is a fair bet I'd

Use tools>manage add ons to disable any fancy toolbars, Yahoo and Google
bars can give trouble, and any third party pop up blocking etc.

There are issues (Surprise surprise) with Firefox I hear at the moment but
for testing purposes it will run perfectly happy alongside IE so you could
try that and see if the problem still happens. If it does then it's not IE
but the actual networking, if it stops happening then it's not guaranteed to
be IE but there's a better chance something has upset part of IE.

Disable the option for firewall and virus scan to start with windows, reboot
and try without them even starting... some firewalls don't close properly
once they start running (by design) and so stopping services may not help,
only preventing them from starting will work.

SpyBot Search and Destroy
Microsoft Antispyware
Ad Aware
Important - LSP-Fix

Be aware that using either of these to actually remove spyware can result in
some programs refusing to work, in other words "Free" programs that you
downloaded on condition you accepted ads and so called "Research" may get
broken and you might want to uninstall them first. Some spyware actually
breaks Windows trying to force it's way in and you should arm yourself with
LSP-Fix before starting in case you lose internet connectivity.

one thing that i am thinking is what kind of homenetwork do you have. if
you persay have a modem and then a router you will have to manually set up
your ip addresses when reinstalling them.. if you have a vpn you will have
to look into the configurations of that will networks. if you need further
help then email me and i might be able to help.
Hi, Guys,

Thanks, I'm quite sure it's a network problem rather than a browser problem,
cause both firefox and IE don't work right now.

I changed my ISP a couple of days ago, and there is gap between change. so
my neworking change like this: DSL+router -> modem -> DSL+router. I got my
issues during this time:

phase 1. My AT&T VPN got crash just before my previous ISP cut the service.
I have no idea if it's a normal crash or a hijack. And I do nothing.

phase 2. I dialed up using modem, and it alway hang my machine up after
established the ppp connection - so I had no internet connection during the

phase 3. When my new internet service up, I re-instaledl AT&T VPN. I found
it hang my machine up just like dail-up modem. I tried to re-install AT&T
VPN again t fix the problem. it was no successful.

And then, my nightmare started - my HTTP was blocked! In phase 3, I have
ever tried to fix winsock problem using a tool called WinsockxpFix.exe. it
was not surccessful as well.

Any feedback more from you guys?

Thank lots!
