HtmlTextArea viewstate can not be disabled?


Ryan Liu


I have a HtmlTexTArea inside update panel

<SR:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upnDetail" ChildrenAsTriggers="false"
UpdateMode="Conditional" EnableViewState="false">

<SR:placeHolder ID="phNetwork" runat="server"
Visible="false" EnableViewState="false">
<asp:Label runat="server"
<textarea runat="server" readonly="readonly"
id="tarNetworkOverview" cols="60" rows="10"

Codebehind I do call
if( ...)
lblNetworkName = "llll";
tarNetworkOverview.Value = "text";

//otherwise do not set their values

//update the updatepanel


But I am surprised to see after post back, I still see text in the text area
which was set previously when if (true).

But The asp:Label works as expected, it will be clean up or set.

Seems the server side textarea's view state is always enabled ?!


bruce barker

with textarea's viewstate is only used to detect onchange, as the
browser posts the textarea value. labels are not posted back.

in general if you write your code correctly, you can disable viewstate
in web config, and cut down page sizes.

-- bruce (

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