dszady said:
Trying to get a word in edge-wise "omega" wrote
dszady said:
Quickie HTML viewer and converter. Are you like me in prefering to
read text in easy-to-read DOS text mode? [...]
Thank you. I will need this soon.
I got to wonder, how come? Is it a plan to go back to basics, leave the city,
pursue the simpler way of life, grind your own acorns...?
A couple of years in prison ought to do it.
I've thought about that one, for computer study. Yet they don't let you
have personal computer use there too easily.

The exception is when
companies contract to have prisoners do telemarketing (US)...
Actually, no really, I was just given a 386 which I wanted for Dos only.
It came with Windows 3.1. When I saw that I wanted to blow chunks, if you know what I mean.
I do know what you mean. W3x, especially unmodified, can be like a deformed
clown, wearing pink polyster.
So I formatted it and now it is dos only.
The DOS, the console mode, I concur with that plan. I even still keep my system
to boot there first, where I must affirmatively type the W key to proceed on.
In hopes that I would spend time in that quieter environment. But, not a great
deal of luck with the strategy. It's like turning on the TV - it's too close
a reach to just proceed on to the goodies and gratifications of Windows. A
DOS-only computer would be an interesting plan.
What do you mean grind acorns? Am I going into the tanning business? Or just sick
of eating bird seed?
Ah, the saying would be regional. It's ref to the American Indians, the natural
way of life, where many were known to grind acorns for a main food source. As
opposed to modern ways, microwaves etc.