HTML printer?

  • Thread starter Thread starter VH
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The request for pdf to html converter got me wondering : Is there such
a thing as a HTML printer that can create html files from any source
just by printing it in the way CutePDF printer generate PDF files?
The request for pdf to html converter got me wondering : Is there such
a thing as a HTML printer that can create html files from any source
just by printing it in the way CutePDF printer generate PDF files?

i'd like it too.
there was a driver by microsoft once, it created a simple but working html
2.0 if i remember.
i should have it in a cd somewhere, but it didnt work with win2000.
ciao, j.
javalab said:
i'd like it too.
there was a driver by microsoft once, it created a simple but working html
2.0 if i remember.
i should have it in a cd somewhere, but it didnt work with win2000.

It was originally distributed with the w95 powertoys. One of the earlier
w95 powertoys packages only, subsequently pulled. I tried using it for
a while. I wanted it for the problem of winhelp (*.hlp). For my need to
extract out a page here and there, for standalone reading, from winhlp.

Unfortunately, the output was terrible. Unendurable I mean. Problems like
line breaks being all whacked into chaos.

If I'd got even partially civilized output, then I'd likely have put up
with its other major disorder. As I recall the situation, no one at all,
with the single exception of MSIE, could read its html. Not even OB1;
and OB1 is very tolerant. There was a pattern of fundamental error,
such as uneven matches on opening-closing table tags.

Add me to the list of those wishing after a virtual printer driver that
does output to html format. One that is at least minimally functional...
javalab said:
i'd like it too.
there was a driver by microsoft once, it created a simple but working
2.0 if i remember.
i should have it in a cd somewhere, but it didnt work with win2000.
ciao, j.

/If/ you don't mind nagware, you might take a look at
It can output PDF, HTML, DOC, XLS, JPG & BMP files of a printjob.

After you print, it wil ask to register the software (Witch is optional for
non comercial, personal use by the way) It does not display adverts on the
printed document (AFAIK, but I've bought a version, so possible restrictions
don't apply for me)

Does a decent job with HTML, though it does not generate optimized code


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MightyKitten said:
It can output PDF, HTML, DOC, XLS, JPG & BMP files of a printjob.

tested it printing a jpeg from irfan and, an html page and a txt from
in all cases it created images.
from the 640 jpeg, 120k, it got a 250k file including the white page irfan
lets show in the preview.
from the html code and the txt it also got jpegs. awful for the code, nicer
with the txt.

as far as i can understand, it prints to a picturebox, grabs it and saves it
as a jpeg file. this doesnt makes much sense to me for text files (i
happened to write a simple converter which is faster and creates simpler but
more standard code). anyway it can be useful in some cases, and the
registration screen after printing can be cancelled easily.

ciao, thanks, j.