html in Contact \ Notes possible?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave Horne
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Dave Horne

I copied html information from a web page and pasted it into the Notes field
of a Contact. It looked exactly the same until I saved it and returned to
have a look, the html formatting reverted to tich text (or simple plain
text?). Is it possible for me to paste html material into Notes and have it

Thanks, DH
OK. I pasted html material into Contacts \ Notes but the html formatting
does not carry over.

I'm using Vista Home Premium (SP1 beta RC) and Office 2007.

Suggestions? Thanks, DH
Roady, contact me privately (if you wish) and I'll send you the Contact and
the copied material and you see if you can paste it and keep the format
intact. I am using Outlook 2007 and Vista Home Premium with the SP1 RC.

I copt the material into Contact Notes and I can see it as plain as day.
Once I Save it, close it, and reopen the Contact, the formate changes to
what I believe is Rich Text Format. I am at a loss though I must admit this
is not a matter of life and death; I'm just surprised.

Thanks, davehorne at home dot nl

Well, I think I found the problem.

I created a brand new Contact and copied the html material to it. It stuck
to the hard drive. I'm guessing the Contact I was using was created in an
older verision of Outlook and therefore would not accept the material. Does
this make sense?

At any rate, my problem is more or less solved.
Good to hear. An "old contact" shouldn't have anything to do with it unless
you were using a custom form (which I doubt). See if you can repro it on
other "old contacts".
I tried this with another 'old' contact and the html formatting did not
carry over.

At the very least I'll know how to handle this in the future. DH
Dave Horne said:
Well, I think I found the problem.

I created a brand new Contact and copied the html material to it. It
stuck to the hard drive. I'm guessing the Contact I was using was
created in an older verision of Outlook and therefore would not
accept the material. Does this make sense?

Did you import those "old" contacts at all?
it works correctly here. Was it complicated HTML? If it uses scripting or
anything not supported by outlook, the layout won't display -you'll only see
Brian Tillman said:
Did you import those "old" contacts at all?

Brian, I did in fact import those Outlook Contacts from an earlier version
of Outlook (2000) to Outlook 2007.
Diane, I was copying and pasting telephone number infomation from my health
care provider ... pretty straight ahead.

I'm guessing the problem lies with the importing of older Contact
information into Outlook 2007.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over this, in the future I'll just copy and
paste into a brand new Contact.

Thanks, DH
Dave Horne said:
Brian, I did in fact import those Outlook Contacts from an earlier
version of Outlook (2000) to Outlook 2007.

That's the likely cause, then. It's never a good idea to use import/export
when transferring data from Outlook to Outlook because import/export loses
Brian Tillman said:
That's the likely cause, then. It's never a good idea to use
import/export when transferring data from Outlook to Outlook because
import/export loses data.

Brian, not to belabor this, but how does one transfer info from an old
verion to a newer version?

It was a year ago that I did this, but I believe I had problems trying to
use the old outlook.pst in the place of the new one. It has been a while
but I believe at the time I opted to import; apart from the issue I just
had, everything went well.
Dave Horne said:
Brian, not to belabor this, but how does one transfer info from an old
verion to a newer version?

Open the old PST in the new version and either use it as the delivery
location or use Copy to move the data from the old PST to the new one,
closing the old one when finished.
Brian Tillman said:
Open the old PST in the new version and either use it as the delivery
location or use Copy to move the data from the old PST to the new one,
closing the old one when finished.

Thanks, DH