HTML Frames

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Running Internet Explorer Version 6.0.2900.2180 xpsp_sp2_adr.050301-1519
Along with Win. XP Pro. And Office 2003 Word.

After I down loaded a html file from a web page to a file that I had about
three hours work in, I was not able to open the file. Error message suggested
the file had become corrupted, Spent another hour trying to use the Office
File Recovery utility to recover my data but was not successful.

Did get a report advising me that my file was corrupted because the html
that I down loaded contained “Frames†which my browser does not support.

Spent some time on Google & saw a lot of tech. info. But the only thing I
understand is that “Frames†have been causing trouble on the internet since
at least 1996. Found no information as to why Internet Explorer don’t support

My question: When I look at a internet page, how can I tell if it is
constructed with Frames? How do frames look different than tables or data
graphs? I want to avoid “Frames“ from now on but I need to know how to
identify them.

Any help will be appreciated.
Hi Linus,

IE does support frames. In your security settings (Internet Options -
Security tab) enable 'Navigate sub-frames across different domains'

Here is the G search that explains why frames have caused problems for
internet security - frames in internet explorer

Since frames can contain content from another site (domain) that may contain
malicious content (or the site is on your restricted site list) this
security setting takes care of that vulnerability.

Hopes this explains it to you.

Thank you Rob for your reply. Now that I have a clue as to what it’s about
the tech info on Google makes a little sense, and I recall that I used to get
a pop up warning me that “allowing sub frames across different domains could
be harmful.†Was not sure what it meant so I never visited those sites.
Haven’t seen the prompt for so long I forgot about it (Some one checked the
“disable†button). Today I reset the prompt and finally realize it purpose.
Thanks again for your help.