HTML code disappears when cut & paste into code

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There is a website that I believe was created with Front Page 5.0. I see it
listed in the code for the pages, but it was residing on a server that does
not have front page extensions installed. I downloaded the code using the
websites FTP function. Then I opened the code in my front page 2003( Front
Page 6.0.?) When I open the freshingly imported index page, it looks nothing
like what is on the site. I tried downloading several times but always with
the same result. So I went to the site and there was a edit function to see
the code. I copied and pasted the code from the site directly into the html
page. Saw the code come in then said save, and when I opened it back up, all
the code was gone and what is there now, appears to be the same small bit of
code that existed before I did the paste option. I tried this several times
and it still would not replace the code. Any ideas?? Does someone have a
recommended way to try and extract code from a website that you have no idea
what product it was created with. I am guessing that maybe this website was
modified after the original creation or could it have been possibly created
using a DWT and this is the problem?
What is the code that you do see in FrontPage?
A link to the page you are trying to copy may help.
You can only retrieve the full FP site structure from a server that has FP extensions and the site
was created or published to the server via FP's http mode.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network
It looks like the server may have had the ability to turn on the front page
extensions but from what I say they had not been enabled, so I am guessing
they uploaded the site by using the FTP function that is provided on the
site, although they could have also used a standalone ftp program.
The page uses shared borders.
When you open the page in FrontPage, the bottom shared border will not be
shown in code view, and unless you have downloaded the entire web, the
bottom shared border will not be shown in FrontPage at all.
When I go into code view, I have <body><!--webbot-->
The following is about the only code other than the normal stuff that
starts the page:<p align="center"><u><b><font face="Arial Black"
color="#FF0000" size="5">Paintings:</font></b></u></p>
<!--webbot bot="PhotoAlbum" U-Include="photogallery/photo7842/real.htm"
clientside TAG="BODY" --><p align="center">

It shows what looks like a slide show with < pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5 > and
below this pic1 is shown in a larger version.
Webbot code does not normally show in Code View in FrontPage, since it is
expanded when the page is saved, or in some cases when the page is
published to a server.